Content Posted in 2020
21st Annual Andrew B. Conteh Student Academic Conference, Minnesota State University Moorhead
Abercrombie & Fitch Co. A Financial Analysis and Valuation Report, Kathryn Sistrunk
A Blended Math Classroom with Covid-19 Interruption, Jessica Illg
Accountability and Literacy/Reading Interventions for Middles School Students, Britny Bucholz
A Comparison of Screening Tools Resulting in Referrals: Ages and Stages Questionnaire and Battelle Screener, Becky Levenhagen
Advantage Mathematics Recovery (AVMR): Building Foundational Skills for Upper Elementary Students using Small Group Interventions, Allison Hanson
A Handbook for Developing Behavior Interventions, Erin Burns
A Handbook of Evidence-Based Practices for Inclusion of Students with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders, Garth Kirkham
A History and Contemporary Analysis of the Standard Adult High School Diploma Program in Minnesota, Ray Michael Ades
A Longitudinal Fiscal Analysis of the K-12 Minnesota Funding Formula From the Fiscal Years 2012 and 2018, Brandon Lunak
Analyzing the Use of the Barton Reading System, Amanda Cassens
An Analysis of the Second Step Early Learning Program, Kelly Wuollet
ANI Pharmaceuticals, Inc: A Financial Analysis and Valuation Report, Julia Stenberg
Anxiety in Young Children: Resources for Parents and Educators, Danielle Lucia
A Play Based Intervention to Develop Literacy: Using Foundations for Literacy to Help Students with a Developmental Delay Learn to Read, Brittany Coalwell Escobedo
Apogee Enterprises, Inc.: Valuation and Investment Decision, Dustin S. Rietsema
Applying Interactive Structures in the Elementary EL Classroom to Support the Oral Language Acquisition of Emerging English Learners, Katherine Armstrong
Artificial Intelligence in healthcare, Sushil Pandey
Assessing Healthcare Leader Competency Proficiency Levels in Evaluating Graduate Healthcare Leadership Student Competency Proficiency Levels and Curriculum, Brandi A. Sillerud and Heather C. Winkler
A Study on Early Intervention Referrals and Eligibility of Prenatal Drug-Exposed Children, Holly Nelson
A Survey of Teacher Attitude Regarding Self-Awareness and Inclusive Education of Special Education Students, Brooke Parvi
A Systematic Review of Graduate Student Wellness, Courtney Mallinger
Attitudes Towards Inclusion of Students who are Identified as Developmental Cognitive Disability, Jamie Bernu
Bait, Hannah K. Edwards
Big Lots Valuation, Tyler Schill
Bossy Beats, August, 2015, Minnesota State University Moorhead, Registrar's Office
Bossy Beats, August, 2016, Minnesota State University Moorhead, Registrar's Office
Bossy Beats, August, 2017, Minnesota State University Moorhead, Registrar's Office
Bossy Beats, August, 2018, Minnesota State University Moorhead, Registrar's Office
Bossy Beats, December, 2015, Minnesota State University Moorhead, Registrar's Office
Bossy Beats, December, 2016, Minnesota State University Moorhead, Registrar's Office
Bossy Beats, December, 2017, Minnesota State University Moorhead, Registrar's Office
Bossy Beats, fall 2019, Minnesota State University Moorhead, Registrar's Office
Bossy Beats, February, 2017, Minnesota State University Moorhead, Registrar's Office
Bossy Beats, February, 2018, Minnesota State University Moorhead, Registrar's Office
Bossy Beats, January, 2016, Minnesota State University Moorhead, Registrar's Office
Bossy Beats, January, 2019, Minnesota State University Moorhead, Registrar's Office
Bossy Beats, January, 2020, Minnesota State University Moorhead, Registrar's Office
Bossy Beats, May, 2016, Minnesota State University Moorhead, Registrar's Office
Bossy Beats, May, 2017, Minnesota State University Moorhead, Registrar's Office
Bossy Beats, May, 2018, Minnesota State University Moorhead, Registrar's Office
Bossy Beats, May, 2019, Minnesota State University Moorhead, Registrar's Office
Bossy Beats, September, 2017, Minnesota State University Moorhead, Registrar's Office
Bossy Beats, September, 2020, Minnesota State University Moorhead, Registrar's Office
Bridging the High School Transition: Assessing the Impact of a Freshman Academy on Student Success, Victoria A. Honetschlager
Cellphone Management: A Curriculum for Middle School Students, Devonie Smith
Check-In/Check-Out: Improving Behavior of a Second Grade Student, Susan Sickler
Child Sexual Abuse Prevention Group, Brooklyn Kennedy Thompson
Collaboration in Early Childhood Special Education: School, Staff, and Parents Becoming One Team, Elizabeth George
Comparing Traditional and Electronic Vocabulary Instruction in a Seventh Grade Classroom, Brooke Johnson
Consideration Tools Impact on Special Education Professionals Confidence in IEP Team Assistive Technology Determinations., Mathias Sturtz
Developing Self-Regulation Strategies for Elementary Aged Learners, Melissa Williams
Differentiated Homework Menus and Student Achievement in Math Fluency, Angela Ogilvie
Digital Citizenship: A Training for Plugged-in Parents, Allie Marie Sannes
Digital versus paper: Comparing the effectiveness of paper and digital resources in parent follow-through in Early Intervention home visiting, Suzanna Holper
Distance Learning for Students with Disabilities in a Rural Community, Heather Akerman
Editor's Note: Volume 1, Issue 2, Boyd L. Bradbury
Effectiveness of Increasing Decoding Skills through the Read Well Curriculum For Elementary Students with Learning Disabilities, Angie Augedahl
Effects of Adverse Childhood Experiences on Learning Progress in Young Children Attending Head Start, Sam Brewer
Effects of Oral Assessments on Engagement and Academic Achievement in an Algebra I Intervention Class, Marnie Peterson
Effects of Prompting on Skill Acquisition, Generalization, and Independence for Young Students with Autism, Amanda J. Snyder
Effects of Reading Mastery on Teaching Comprehension Skills to a Student with a Specific Learning Disability, Alyssa Gutzmer
Effects of Social Emotional Learning, Grace Brennan
Estimating the Tempo of Audio Files, Parker Ostertag
Examining Effects of Choice Assessments on Engagement and Achievement of K-12 Students with Self-Advocacy IEP Goals, Carly Shay Black
Examining the Effect of Cornell Note-Taking Strategies on Student Comprehension in 10th Grade Dual-Enrollment College Biology, Nancy Johnson
Exclusionary Discipline Disparities: A Case Study, Isaac Lundberg
Exploring Effective Classroom Management Techniques in a 1:1 Classroom Setting, Paige Cermak
Exploring school counseling students’ unpaid internship experiences in their personal lives, Tatiana Eggum
Exploring views from parents and students: Why do most high school students struggle to complete math assignments in a timely manner?, Krishna Pokhrel
Express, Inc: A Financial Analysis and Valuation, Rana Opsahl
Factors Influencing Choice of Communication Sciences and Disorders Major for Students Who Are Culturally and Linguistically Diverse, Joanna Reinders
Factors that Influence the Success in Higher Education for Students with Autism, Elizabeth O. Gardner
Family Engagement in Schools: A Training for School Staff, Noah Brenden
Financial Aid Curriculum for Post-Secondary Education Planning, Jeana Janzen
Financial Analysis and Valuation of ANI Pharmaceticals, Inc., olaoluwa gbolahan
Financial Analysis and Valuation of Hawkins Inc., Samantha Alvarado
Financial Analysis and Valuation of H.B. Fuller Company, Kevin Laluyan
Financial Analysis and Valuation of Regis Corporation., Joshua Lammers
Financial Analysis and Valuation Report for the Company of Johnson Outdoors Inc., Maren Soupir
Financial Analysis & Valuation of The Buckle, Inc., Danielle Hanneman
Financial Valuation and Analysis of Deluxe Corporation, Sara Gilbertson
Flipped Instructional Model and Cognitive Student Engagement in Math Class, Chad Larson
Flipping the Focus: Flipped Learning in a Geometry Classroom, Christina Dittus
Focused Note-Taking Instruction: Impact on Reading Comprehension for Fourth-Grade Students, Kristina Grossinger
Formative Assessment & the Connections to Student Learning in Beginning Drawing, Craig Mickelson
Graduate Bulletin, 2020-2021, Minnesota State University Moorhead
Growing Parents, Growing Children: Newsletters for Read Aloud Tips & Activities in Early Childhood, Diane Jacobsen and Angela Klingfus
Growing Parents, Growing Children: Newsletters for Read Aloud Tips & Activities in Early Childhood Tips & Activities in Early, Angela Klingfus and Diane Jacobsen
H. B. Fuller Company's Financial Analysis and Valuation Report Period: (2016 - 2019), Minara Sooriyaarachchi
Heartland Express, Inc.: A Financial Analysis and Valuation Example Report, Jordyn Card
Heartland Express, Inc. A Financial Analysis and Valuation Report, Daniel Franco
Helix Energy Solutions Group, Inc. - A Financial Statement Analysis and Valuation Report, Hannah Nelson
Helping Parents Navigate Early Childhood Special Education, Marissa Ann Geist
High Leverage Practices in Early Childhood Special Education, Katie Rommesmo
Hoarding: Beyond the Mess, A Training for Mental Health Professionals, Kelsi McClaflin
Homelessness in America: An Economic Analysis, Noah Voeller
How Does Video Modeling Affect Functional Skills Acquisition in a Preschool Setting?, Heidi Lindahl
How Self-Monitoring With Technology Impacts Work Completion Rates for High School Students, Alison Rose
How Teachers of Different Content Areas Use and Define Rubrics, Abigail Bremer
Impact of Group Arrangement on Academic Performance in Science and Social Studies, Brooke Umland and Candace Scott
Impact of Intervention on Learning Blends and Diagraphs, Rebecca Panka
Implementing Mindfulness: The Effect on Student Behavior and Focus at the Elementary Level, Brianna Anderson
Improving Number Word Sequencing in Kindergarten, Katie Marie Langer
Improving Oral Reading Fluency Using Reading Interventions and Self-Graphing with Three Fifth-Graders, Claire Elizabeth Studt
Inclusion in the Classroom: Addressing Antecedents of Challenging Behaviors, Justin Heskett
Increased Prompting: Special Education Students and Independent Usage of Assistive Technology, Emily Jones
Increasing Basic Math Fact Fluency Using Flashcard Drills with a Second Grade Student, Peyton Gale
Increasing Homework Motivation with Choice in a High School Mathematics Classroom, Danielle Girard
Increasing Students’ Homework Completion by Implementing Planners in the Classroom, Amanda Swenson
JavaFX Application, Pengfei Huang
Kindergarten Games to Support Words to Know Retention, Ryan Heyer
Launching a Parent Support Group for Children with Disabilities, Melissa A. Washnesky
La-Z-Boy Inc A Financial Analysis and Valuation Report, DeAnn Jensen
Literary Designs, June 1, 1945, Moorhead State Teachers College
Literary Designs, June 5, 1946, Moorhead State Teachers College
Literary Designs, May 1, 1936, Moorhead State Teachers College
Literary Designs, May 14, 1943, Moorhead State Teachers College
Literary Designs, May 15, 1944, Moorhead State Teachers College
Literary Designs, May 5, 1939, Moorhead State Teachers College
Literary Designs, May 6, 1938, Moorhead State Teachers College
LSVT or SPEAK OUT!®: Clinical Decisions when Treating Clients with Parkinson's Disease, Amanda Olson
Machines and Human Language, Gabe Wilberscheid
Making Summer Learning Equitable for Students in a Rural, Title I School District: Turning on the Faucet of Resources, Kathrina M. O'Connell
Marten Transport, LTD A Financial Analysis and Valuation Report, Nathaniel Belisle
Mathematical Discourse: Impacts on Seventh Grade Student Learning and Feelings About Mathematics, Courtney Weston
Mathematical Word Problems: Factors Causing Students Difficulty When Answering, Grant Christian
Math Problem Solving Discussions: Increasing Communication for Students with Autism, Anna Benson
Math to Mastery: Promoting Math Fact Fluency in a Child with ADHD, Sarah Mattison
Measuring the Effects of Self Assessment and Reflection in the Middle School Math Classroom, Miranda Steer
Measuring the Efficacy of Math Homework: How Effective Is It?, Emma Wabbe
Methods in Practice: Grounded Theory in Media Arts Education Research, Kyja Kristjansson-Nelson
Modifying the Curriculum for Students with Disabilities, Whitney Windschitl and Whitney Windschitl
Motivation and Achievement: Measuring the Effect of Student Choice Boards in the Flipped Classroom, Susan Schaub
Motivation and Engagement in the Choral Classroom: Does Repertoire Make a Difference?, Katy Haltvick
Neurocounseling and the Counseling Profession: Integrating Neuroscience into the Practice of Counseling, Sherri Clark
New Faculty Handbook, Minnesota State University Moorhead
Newsletter, Moorhead State University, Mathematics Department, Moorhead State University, Mathematics Department
Newsletter, Moorhead State University, Mathematics Department, Moorhead State University, Mathematics Department
Newsletter, Moorhead State University, Mathematics Department, Moorhead State University, Mathematics Department
Number Sense Intervention: The Impact on Low-Achieving Primary Grade Students vs. COVID-19, Randi Lindemann
Oral Interview of Alvin Arneson, Alvin Arneson
Oral Interview of Byron and Irene (Iverson) Ogren, Byron Ogren and Irene Iverson Ogren
Oral Interview of Lenora Isaacson Johnson, Lenora Johnson
Oral Interview of Manny Marget, Manny Marget
Oral Interview of Raymond Gesell, Raymond Gesell
Oral Interview of Russell O. Parta, Russell O. Parta
Oral Interview of Thomas McGrath, Thomas McGrath
Oral Interview of Viena Hendrickson, Viena Johnson Hendrickson
Oral Interview of William Dosland, William Dosland
Otter Tail Corporation, Heather Strese
Otter Tail Corporation: A Financial Analysis and Valuation Report, Courtney Lachowitzer
Panoramas, Rachel E. Herzog
Perceived Adult Social Support During Adolescence and Well-Being Among LGBTQ-Identified Young Adults, Adrienne MacDonald
Plan B-Analysis of Self: Journey of My Life, Cianna Rabbithead
Plan B Project: Analysis of Self, Rachel Kranda
Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports in an Early Education Center, Karisa Gratton
Positive Behavior Supports and Culturally Responsive Practices, Camille Lepp
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder: Healing Mindfully, Taylor Kay West
Predicting and Perceiving Teacher Effectiveness of Novice Teachers, Kristen Carlson
Predictive Analysis of Ethanol Prices with Machine Learning, Benjamin Schilling
Predictive Measures of Teacher Effectiveness During Student Teaching, Kristen M. Carlson
Preparing Students for Rich Mathematical Tasks: An Analysis of Middle Level Students and the Impact of Problem-Solving Strategies and Growth Mindset Qualities, Tanner Lilienthal
Professional Guide to Restorative Practice, Hannah Zurn
Progress Monitoring Through The Lens of Distance Learning, Jeremy Beulah
Raspberry Pi AI Assistant, Cole Tharaldson
Re-Entering Schools After the Pandemic: An Analysis of Helping Children After a Disaster, Amy L. Pahl
Report on Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare, Sushil Pandey
School Achievement Amongst Special Education Students Participating in the REACH Program, Kelli Rath
School Attendance Affects Student Outcomes: Resources to Impact Attendance, Nicole Ann Page
School Violence Threat Assessment: Professional Development Training for K-12 Educators, Christopher J. Potter
Security camera using Raspberry Pi, Tejendra Khatri
Security camera using Raspberry Pi, Tejendra Khatri
Self-Control Training Using an iPad with a Third Grade Student, Alyssa Yorek
Server Score, Zachary Buresh
Short-Term Direct Reading Instruction for 2nd Grade Students Using Horizons Fast Track A-B, Emily Dempster
Smart Raspberry Pi Puppy, Vy Dao
Social Skills Instruction in Preschool Settings, Megan Whelchel
Special Education Tools for Individuals With Cerebral Palsy, Shalom Grandy
Spectrum of Light: An Online Support Group for Families of Children with Autism Support Group Families, Sadie R. Kluver
Students’ Ability to Identify Emotions Using Social Emotional Learning Strategies, Julia Sammon, Heather Markuson, and Alison Reinke
Student Success in Virtual Versus In-Person Learning During a Direct Instruction Math Intervention Course, Christina Lindmeier
Supporting Young Children with Disabilities and Their Families During a Pandemic, Alyssa Deyo
Surviving in School: A Correlational Study on Teachers' Social Emotional Learning, Self-efficacy, and Response to Students' Challenging Behaviors, Patricia Cummings
Synching up on a Satisfaction: A Mixed Methods Study Exploring Synchronous Online Classroom Learning Satisfaction in the Corporate Training Environment, Andrew S. Burklund
Syncing Up On Satisfaction: A Mixed Methods Study Exploring Synchronous Online Classroom Learning Satisfaction in the Corporate Training Environment, Andrew Burklund
Teacher Ed Newsletter, Kari DeSutter
Teacher Ed Newsletter, Kari DeSutter
Teacher Ed Newsletter, Kari DeSutter
Teacher Ed Newsletter, Kari DeSutter
Teacher Perceptions of the Benefits of Flexible Seating, Ashley Bachmann and Destiny Mitchell
Teaching During the 2020 Global Pandemic, Covid-19: An Autoethnography, Carin Omonuwa
Teaching Under Crisis: Impact and Implications of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Education in Minnesota, Boyd L. Bradbury, Ximena P. Suarez-Sousa, Mike Coquyt, Tiffany L. Bockelmann, and Amy L. Pahl
TF-CBT-A Counseling Group for Adolescents with PTSD, Kristen Ganske
The Beehive: A Counseling Group for Children Who Have Endured Out of Home Placement, Britni Joubert
The Correlation Between Classroom Engagement Strategies and Student Behavior, Abby Neppl
The Effectiveness of Token Economy Interventions on High School Students with Emotional/Behavioral Disorders, Jordan R. Welle
The Effectiveness of Visual Phonics to Promote Phonological Awareness in Preschool Children with and Without Speech Sound Delays, Katelyn Derby
The Effect of Brain Breaks on Math Anxiety, Jedidiah Johnson
The Effect of Extended Day Services on Student Reading Achievement, Kirby Sayles
The effect of PECS on Children with Social-Emotional Delays Being Able to Self-Identify their Emotions in a Preschool Setting, Amy Nielson and Brandon Otway
The Effect of the Second Step Curriculum on the Social-Emotional Development of Second Grade Students, Amy Kremer
The Effect of Vocal Exploration Exercises on Pitch-Matching Skills in First and Fourth Grade Students, Katie Hillestad
The Effects of Growth Mindset on Student Adaptability, KayLee Saga-Krebs and Jacob J. Krebs
The Effects of Instruction (Direct Instruction Flashcard Procedure and Letter Writing) on Letter Name Fluency in Preschool Children, Sara Affield and Michelle Hanson
The Effects of iPads on Student Engagement in a Middle School Classroom, Katherine Braun
The Effects of Mindfulness-Based Programming on Social-Emotional Learning, Evan Reller
The Effects of Multiple Accommodations on Student Engagement and Work Completion in Fifth Grade Students with Reading Disabilities, Allison Ternes
The Effects of Parent/Guardian Engagement on Student Success in Middle School, Katelyn A. Biggar and Zachary J. Biggar
The Effects of Self-Regulation Interventions on Math Students, Michael Erickson
The Effects of Service-Learning on the Moral Development of College Students, Mike Coquyt
The Effects of Stress on Medical Errors in Simulation-Based Training, Kerry Degen and Ximena Suarez-Sousa
The Effects of the Second Step Curriculum on Challenging Behavior in First Grade, Haley Weber
The Effects of Video Lectures On Student Performance, Amanda Murphy
The Experiences and Perceptions of Practicing Special Education Teachers During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Marci M. Glessner and Shirley A. Johnson
The impact of a SmartLab implementation on rural schools in North Dakota, Tonya M. Greywind
The Impact of Cross-Age Tutoring on Letter Name Identification for Kindergarteners, Nicole Michelle Halbur
The Impact of Extracurricular Activities on Middle School Student’s Academic Achievement and Attendance, Abby Holten
The Impact of Guided Reading Instruction on First Grade Student Learning Growth, Jordyn DeGuiseppi
The Impact of Guided Reading Instruction on Second Grade Students’ Reading Levels, Brenda Moors
The Impact of Inclusion on the Attitudes Towards School of Students with Disabilities, Shelby Bachmeier
The Impact of Mindfulness Procedures to Increase On-task Behaviors in High School Students, Peter Hendricks
The Impact of One-on-One Conferring on Students' Intrinsic Motivation for Independent Reading, Carrie Ludwig
The Impact of Partner Reading and Conferring on Second Grade Students, Amy Pederson
The Impact of Previous Educational Experiences on Self-Regulation Abilities for Kindergarteners, Abby Erickson
The Impact of Reading to a Therapy Dog in a Special Education Classroom, Hannah Oakes
The Impact of Retrieval Practice on Student Achievement in a Middle School Science Classroom, Rob Perala
The Impact of Second Step on First Grader Self-Regulation, Yassmin AL-HADHRAMY
The Impact of Self-Management Skills in Elementary Classrooms, Kailee Strand
The Impact of Social and Emotional Learning: Implementing Second Steps © In a Kindergarten Classroom, Chelsea Jaeger
The Impact of Social Influences on MSUM Students' Decision to Go to College, Jenna Ellertson
The Impact of the Flipped Classroom Model: A Study of 5th Grade Students, Kyle Petermeier
The Impact of the Four-Component Lesson on Student Retention and Transfer of Reading Strategies in a Fourth Grade Classroom, Shannon Hogan
The Impact of Whole Class Word Mix-Up Phonics Intervention on Reading Achievement of 3rd Grade Students, Katie Aanstad
The Implementation and Effects of Sign Language in the Households Of Children Ages Birth to Three Years That Struggle With Communication, Maranda Michelle Nelson
The Importance of Social Skills Instruction for Students With a High Number of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), Alexis Olerud
The Influence of Language Proficiency on Assimilation of Kurdish Immigrants into American Society, Zakaria Amin
The Investigation of the Effectiveness of the Application Super Why in Preschool Literacy Skills, LeeAnna Fabin
The Journey: A Counseling Group for Adolescents with Bipolar Disorder, Carlee Gebeke
The Journey of a Teacher: Adjusting to a New and Larger School District, Lauren Conroy
The Long and Winding Road: The Life Experiences and Resiliency to Become a Clinical Mental Health Counselor, Jenessa Whitmore
The Mess-Tic, April 1, 1938, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Mostly Wasted, April 1, 1953, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Perceptions about ASD’s Rising Rates: A Comparison between the General Public and ASD Professionals., Anna Ernst
The Positive Impact that Therapy Animals have on Social Emotional Behavior and Academic Success among Middle School Students in Special Education, Baylie Peterson
The Theory of Dispositions in Filmmaking and Leadership, Kyja Kristjansson-Nelson
The Use of the Second Step Curriculum to Teach Resiliency: A Comparative Study of Two Midwestern Classrooms, Jessica Saba and Chelsey Hendrickx
The Value of Project Based Learning: Motivation and Self Regulation in Students with Learning Disabilities, Stephanie Dinnel
The Wasted Mistake, April 1, 1957, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistake, April 1, 1952, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, April 10, 1951, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, April 10, 1953, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, April 11, 1946, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, April 1, 1931, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, April 1, 1955, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, April 12, 1949, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, April 12, 1957, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, April 13, 1948, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, April 13, 1956, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, April 14, 1939, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, April 15, 1955, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, April 16, 1937, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, April 16, 1943, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, April 17, 1936, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, April 17, 1942, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, April 17, 1951, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, April 17, 1953, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, April 18, 1941, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, April 18, 1947, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, April 18, 1950, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, April 18, 1952, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, April 20, 1945, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, April 20, 1948, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, April 20, 1956, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, April 21, 1939, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, April 21, 1944, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, April 2, 1937, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, April 2, 1954, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, April 22, 1938, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, April 22, 1954, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, April 22, 1955, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, April 23, 1937, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, April 24, 1936, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, April 24, 1942, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, April 24, 1951, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, April 24, 1953, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, April 25, 1941, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, April 25, 1950, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, April 25, 1952, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, April 26, 1949, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, April 26, 1949, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, April 26, 1957, Moorhead State College
The Western Mistic, April 27, 1948, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, April 27, 1956, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, April 28, 1939, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, April 29, 1938, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, April 29, 1955, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, April 30, 1937, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, April 30, 1943, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, April 30, 1954, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, April 3, 1936, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, April 3, 1951, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, April 4, 1941, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, April 4, 1950, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, April 4, 1952, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, April 4, 1957, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, April 5, 1949, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, April 5, 1957, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, April 6, 1948, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, April 6, 1956, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, April 8, 1938, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, April 9, 1937, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, April 9, 1943, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, April 9, 1954, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, December 10, 1937, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, December 10, 1954, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, December 10, 1954, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, December 11, 1936, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, December 11, 1942, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, December 12, 1941, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, December 13, 1935, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, December 13, 1940, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, December 13, 1946, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, December 14, 1956, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, December 15, 1939, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, December 15, 1944, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, December 15, 1949, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, December 15, 1949, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, December 16, 1947, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, December 17, 1937, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, December 17, 1943, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, December 18, 1936, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, December 18, 1942, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, December 18, 1953, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, December 19, 1945, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, December 19, 1950, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, December 19, 1952, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, December 20, 1935, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, December 20, 1940, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, December 21, 1956, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, December 2, 1955, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, December 22, 1939, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, December 3, 1937, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, December 3, 1954, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, December 4, 1936, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, December 4, 1953, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, December 5, 1941, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, December 5, 1945, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, December 5, 1950, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, December 5, 1952, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, December 6, 1935, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, December 6, 1940, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, December 6, 1949, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, December 7, 1948, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, December 7, 1951, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, December 7, 1956, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, December 8, 1939, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, December 9, 1947, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, December 9, 1955, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, February 10, 1948, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, February 10, 1956, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, February 11, 1938, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, February 11, 1944, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, February 11, 1955, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, February 1, 1949, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, February 1, 1952, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, February 1, 1957, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, February 12, 1937, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, February 12, 1943, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, February 12, 1954, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, February 13, 1942, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, February 13, 1951, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, February 13, 1953, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, February 14, 1936, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, February 14, 1941, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, February 14, 1946, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, February 14, 1947, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, February 14, 1950, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, February 15, 1949, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, February 15, 1952, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, February 15, 1957, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, February 16, 1940, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, February 17, 1948, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, February 17, 1956, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, February 18, 1938, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, February 18, 1955, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, February 19, 1937, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, February 19, 1943, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, February 19, 1954, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, February 20, 1942, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, February 20, 1951, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, February 20, 1953, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, February 21, 1936, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, February 21, 1941, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, February 21, 1950, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, February 2, 1940, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, February 2, 1945, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, February 22, 1949, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, February 22, 1952, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, February 23, 1940, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, February 24, 1948, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, February 25, 1938, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, February 25, 1944, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, February 26, 1943, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, February 26, 1954, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, February 27, 1942, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, February 27, 1951, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, February 28, 1936, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, February 28, 1941, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, February 28, 1946, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, February 28, 1947, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, February 28, 1950, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, February 29, 1952, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, February 3, 1948, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, February 3, 1956, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, February 4, 1938, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, February 4, 1955, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, February 5, 1937, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, February 5, 1954, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, February 6, 1942, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, February 6, 1951, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, February 6, 1953, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, February 7, 1936, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, February 7, 1941, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, February 7, 1950, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, February 8, 1949, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, February 8, 1952, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, February 8, 1957, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, February 9, 1945, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, January 10, 1950, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, January 11, 1949, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, January 11, 1952, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, January 11, 1957, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, January 12, 1945, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, January 13, 1948, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, January 13, 1956, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, January 14, 1938, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, January 14, 1944, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, January 14, 1955, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, January 15, 1937, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, January 15, 1943, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, January 15, 1954, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, January 16, 1942, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, January 16, 1946, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, January 16, 1951, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, January 16, 1953, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, January 17, 1936, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, January 17, 1941, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, January 17, 1947, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, January 17, 1950, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, January 18, 1949, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, January 18, 1952, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, January 18, 1957, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, January 19, 1940, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, January 20, 1948, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, January 20, 1956, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, January 21, 1938, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, January 21, 1955, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, January 22, 1937, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, January 22, 1943, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, January 22, 1954, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, January 23, 1942, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, January 23, 1951, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, January 23, 1953, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, January 24, 1936, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, January 24, 1941, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, January 24, 1950, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, January 25, 1949, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, January 25, 1952, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, January 25, 1957, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, January 26, 1940, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, January 27, 1948, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, January 27, 1956, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, January 28, 1938, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, January 28, 1944, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, January 28, 1955, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, January 29, 1943, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, January 29, 1954, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, January 30, 1942, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, January 30, 1951, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, January 30, 1953, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, January 31, 1936, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, January 31, 1941, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, January 31, 1946, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, January 31, 1947, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, January 31, 1950, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, January 3, 1950, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, January 7, 1955, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, January 8, 1937, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, January 8, 1943, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, January 8, 1954, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, January 9, 1953, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, July 10, 1939, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, July 12, 1937, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, July 19, 1937, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, July 20, 1939, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, June 21, 1937, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, June 26, 1939, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, June 28, 1937, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, June 3, 1949, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, June 6, 1946, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, June 6, 1947, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, March 10, 1939, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, March 11, 1938, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, March 11, 1955, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, March 1, 1940, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, March 1, 1949, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, March 1, 1957, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, March 12, 1937, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, March 12, 1943, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, March 13, 1936, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, March 14, 1941, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, March 14, 1946, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, March 14, 1947, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, March 15, 1949, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, March 15, 1957, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, March 16, 1948, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, March 17, 1939, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, March 18, 1938, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, March 19, 1937, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, March 19, 1943, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, March 19, 1954, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, March 20, 1936, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, March 20, 1942, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, March 20, 1951, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, March 20, 1953, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, March 21, 1941, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, March 21,1950, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, March 21, 1952, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, March 2, 1948, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, March 2, 1956, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, March 22, 1945, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, March 22, 1957, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, March 23, 1948, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, March 24, 1939, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, March 24, 1944, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, March 25, 1938, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, March 25, 1955, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, March 26, 1943, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, March 26, 1954, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, March 27, 1936, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, March 27, 1936, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, March 27, 1942, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, March 27, 1953, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, March 28, 1941, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, March 28, 1946, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, March 28, 1947, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, March 28, 1950, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, March 28, 1952, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, March 29, 1949, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, March 29, 1957, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, March 31, 1939, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, March 3, 1948, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, March 4, 1955, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, March 5, 1954, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, March 6, 1951, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, March 6, 1953, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, March 7, 1950, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, March 7, 1952, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, March 8, 1949, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, March 9, 1945, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, March 9, 1956, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, May 10, 1949, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, May 10, 1957, Moorhead State College
The Western Mistic, May 11, 1948, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, May 11, 1956, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, May 1, 1936, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, May 1, 1942, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, May 1, 1951, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, May 1, 1953, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, May 12, 1939, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, May 13, 1938, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, May 13, 1955, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, May 14, 1937, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, May 14, 1943, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, May 14, 1954, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, May 15, 1936, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, May 15, 1942, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, May 15, 1951, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, May 15, 1953, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, May 16, 1941, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, May 16, 1950, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, May 17, 1949, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, May 17, 1952, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, May 17, 1957, Moorhead State College
The Western Mistic, May 18, 1945, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, May 18, 1956, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, May 19, 1939, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, May 19, 1944, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, May 20, 1938, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, May 20, 1955, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, May 21, 1942, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, May 21, 1943, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, May 21, 1948, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, May 21, 1954, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, May 2, 1941, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, May 2, 1950, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, May 2, 1952, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, May 22, 1936, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, May 22, 1951, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, May 22, 1953, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, May 23, 1941, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, May 23, 1946, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, May 23, 1947, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, May 23, 1950, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, May 23, 1952, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, May 24, 1949, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, May 25, 1956, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, May 26, 1939, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, May 27, 1938, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, May 27, 1955, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, May 28, 1943, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, May 28, 1948, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, May 28, 1948, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, May 28, 1954, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, May 29, 1951, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, May 29, 1953, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, May 4, 1945, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, May 4, 1948, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, May 4, 1956, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, May 5, 1939, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, May 5, 1944, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, May 6, 1938, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, May 6, 1955, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, May 7, 1937, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, May 7, 1943, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, May 7, 1954, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, May 8, 1936, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, May 8, 1942, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, May 8, 1946, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, May 8, 1951, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, May 8, 1953, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, May 9, 1941, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, May 9, 1947, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, May 9, 1950, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, November 10, 1939, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, November 11, 1938, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, November 11, 1947, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, November 11, 1955, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, November 1, 1940, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, November 1, 1949, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, November 12, 1937, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, November 12, 1954, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, November 13, 1936, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, November 13, 1942, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, November 13, 1953, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, November 14, 1941, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, November 14, 1950, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, November 14, 1952, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, November 15, 1940, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, November 15, 1949, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, November 16, 1948, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, November 16, 1951, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, November 16, 1956, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, November 17, 1939, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, November 17, 1944, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, November 18, 1938, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, November 18, 1955, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, November 19, 1937, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, November 19, 1943, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, November 19, 1954, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, November 20, 1936, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, November 20, 1942, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, November 20, 1945, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, November 20, 1953, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, November 21, 1950, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, November 21, 1952, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, November 2, 1948, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, November 2, 1951, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, November 2, 1956, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, November 22, 1946, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, November 22, 1949, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, November 23, 1948, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, November 24, 1939, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, November 25, 1947, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, November 27, 1941, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, November 29, 1940, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, November 30, 1951, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, November 3, 1939, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, November 4, 1938, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, November 4, 1955, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, November 5, 1937, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, November 5, 1943, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, November 5, 1954, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, November 6, 1942, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, November 6, 1945, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, November 6, 1953, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, November 7, 1941, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, November 7, 1952, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, November 8, 1940, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, November 8, 1946, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, November 8, 1949, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, November 9, 1948, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, November 9, 1951, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, November 9, 1956, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, October 10, 1950, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, October 10, 1952, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, October 11, 1940, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, October 11, 1946, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, October 11, 1949, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, October 1, 1937, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, October 1, 1954, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, October 12, 1940, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, October 12, 1948, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, October 12, 1956, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, October 13, 1939, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, October 14, 1938, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, October 14, 1947, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, October 15, 1937, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, October 15, 1954, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, October 16, 1936, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, October 16, 1942, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, October 17, 1941, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, October 17, 1950, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, October 18, 1940, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, October 18, 1949, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, October 19, 1941, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, October 19, 1948, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, October 19, 1951, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, October 19, 1956, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, October 20, 1944, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, October 21, 1938, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, October 21, 1955, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, October 2, 1936, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, October 2, 1942, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, October 2, 1953, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, October 23, 1936, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, October 23, 1942, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, October 23, 1945, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, October 23, 1946, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, October 24, 1941, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, October 24, 1950, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, October 25, 1949, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, October 26, 1948, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, October 26, 1951, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, October 27, 1939, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, October 28, 1947, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, October 28, 1955, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, October 29, 1937, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, October 29, 1943, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, October 29, 1954, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, October 30, 1936, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, October 30, 1936, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, October 30, 1942, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, October 31, 1950, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, October 31, 1952, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, October 3, 1941, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, October 3, 1950, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, October 3, 1952, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, October 4, 1940, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, October 4, 1949, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, October 5, 1948, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, October 5, 1951, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, October 5, 1956, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, October 6, 1939, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, October 6, 1944, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, October 7, 1938, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, October 7, 1955, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, October 8, 1937, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, October 8, 1943, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, October 8, 1954, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, October 9, 1936, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, October 9, 1945, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, October 9, 1953, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, September 12, 1941, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, September 13, 1940, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, September 14, 1956, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, September 15, 1939, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, September 15, 1948, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, September 16, 1938, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, September 16, 1947, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, September 17, 1937, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, September 18, 1936, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, September 18, 1942, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, September 18, 1953, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, September 19, 1941, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, September 19, 1952, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, September 20, 1940, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, September 21, 1948, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, September 21, 1949, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, September 21, 1956, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, September 22, 1939, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, September 22, 1944, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, September 23, 1938, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, September 23, 1955, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, September 24, 1937, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, September 24, 1943, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, September 24, 1954, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, September 25, 1936, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, September 25, 1942, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, September 25, 1953, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, September 26, 1941, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, September 26, 1952, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, September 27, 1940, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, September 27, 1945, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, September 27, 1946, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, September 27, 1949, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, September 28, 1948, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, September 28, 1950, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, September 28, 1956, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, September 29, 1939, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, September 30, 1938, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, September 30, 1947, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, September 30, 1955, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Western Mistic, Special Seventieth Year Edition, spring, 1957, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Witless Mistak, April 1, 1936, Moorhead State Teachers College
The Worsest MiSTaKe, April 1, 1950, Moorhead State Teachers College
Token Economy as an Intervention for a First Grade Student Struggling With Aggression and Following Directions, Kaylee Abfalter
Transgender College Students: A Training Developing Inclusivity and Advocacy on College Campus, Kaitlyn Joanne Bjerketvedt
Transition Planning in Rural Schools, Emily Ruml
Trauma-Informed Practices: Mitigating the Effects of Trauma and ACEs During Childhood, Shaina Hess
Undergraduate Bulletin, 2020-2021, Minnesota State University Moorhead
Understanding Personal Growth and Development: An Analysis of Self, Jordyn Roggenkamp
Use of a Visual Schedule to Decrease Work Completion Time During COVID-19 Distance Learning, Ellen Stevenson
Using Direct Behavior Ratings with At-Risk Middle School Students to Improve Respectful Behavior, Jaclyn Salisbury
Using High Leverage Practices to Support Early Childhood Special Education Students and Families During Distance Learning, Anna Branham
Using Inquiry to Raise Engagement During Third Grade Instruction, Andrew Ellingson
Using Mindfulness Techniques in Elementary Schools: Training for Staff, Mariah Linnell
Using SMART Goals in the 8th Grade Health Classroom to Increase Student Success in School, McKenzie Oistad
Using Teach Me to Talk Interventions to Improve Language in Children Birth- Three Years Old, Hannah Hendry
Using the Zones of Regulation with A Kindergartener and Fourth Grader, Ariel Ostrander
Using Visual Schedules during Developmental/Adaptive Physical Education (DAPE) Sessions; Analyzing On-Task Behaviors, Amanda Pickett
Utilization of Higher-Order Questioning to Improve Student Reading Comprehension in Sixth Grade, Stephanie Pulver
Utilizing the Emwave to Teach Self-Regulation Skills to K-2 Students with Disabilities, Elizabeth Lempola
Virtual Classroom: Orthopedic Impairment Resources and Services, Samara Garrison
Visualize and Verbalize Effect on First Grade Writing Quality and Conventions, Amanda Snyder
Vocabulary and Word Acquisition Through Cooperative Learning, Cody Burington
Voxel Optimization, Scott Bengs
Western MISTAKE, April 1, 1949, Moorhead State Teachers College
Why Students Seek Help, Blake Rasmussen
World Views, Alexis Cigelske, Bayleigh Luedke, and Sarah Edwards
Σary, Moorhead State University, Mathematics Department
Σary, Moorhead State University, Mathematics Department
Σary, Moorhead State University, Mathematics Department
Σary, Moorhead State University, Mathematics Department
Σary, Moorhead State University, Mathematics Department
Σary, Moorhead State University, Mathematics Department
Σary, Moorhead State University, Mathematics Department
Σary, Moorhead State University, Mathematics Department
Σary, Moorhead State University, Mathematics Department
Σary, Moorhead State University, Mathematics Department
Σary, Moorhead State University, Mathematics Department
Σary, Moorhead State University, Mathematics Department
Σary, Moorhead State University, Mathematics Department
Σary, Moorhead State University, Mathematics Department
Σary, Moorhead State University, Mathematics Department
Σary, Minnesota State University Moorhead, Mathematics Department
Σary, Minnesota State University Moorhead, Mathematics Department
Σary, Minnesota State University Moorhead, Mathematics Department
Σary, Minnesota State University Moorhead, Mathematics Department
Σary, Minnesota State University Moorhead, Mathematics Department
Σary, Minnesota State University Moorhead, Mathematics Department
Σary, Minnesota State University Moorhead, Mathematics Department
Σary, Minnesota State University Moorhead, Mathematics Department
Σary, Minnesota State University Moorhead, Mathematics Department
Σary, Minnesota State University Moorhead, Mathematics Department
Σary, Minnesota State University Moorhead, Mathematics Department
Σary, Minnesota State University Moorhead, Mathematics Department
Σary, Minnesota State University Moorhead, Mathematics Department
Σary, Minnesota State University Moorhead, Mathematics Department
Σary, Minnesota State University Moorhead, Mathematics Department
Σary, Minnesota State University Moorhead, Mathematics Department
Σ-ARY, Minnesota State University Moorhead, Mathematics Department
Σ-ARY, Minnesota State University Moorhead, Mathematics Department
Σ-ARY, Minnesota State University Moorhead, Mathematics Department
Σary n=0, Moorhead State University, Mathematics Department
Σary n=0, Moorhead State University, Mathematics Department