About Institutional Repositories
Institutional Repositories (IRs) bring together all of a University's research under one umbrella, with an aim to preserve and provide free access to that research.
IRs are an excellent vehicle for working papers or copies of published articles and conference papers. Presentations, senior theses, and other works not published elsewhere can also be published in the IR.
RED provides open access to scholarship from Students, Faculty, and Staff at MSUM, along with other archival records across our digital collections. In some cases, these records or their descriptions may contain outdated, prejudicial, or otherwise misrepresentative language reflective of the individual creator’s views at the moment the record was created and may not be aligned with the guiding principles of the College.
Benefits of depositing your research in RED include
- Increased potential for your publications to be cited by others
- Ability to upload associated content (datasets, video/audio files,etc.)
- Permanent URL that will not change
- Results of your research collected in one place
- Accessible from any computer at any location
- Freely accessible to the public, including researchers around the world who may have limited access to scholarly works
- Deposits are indexed in Google, Google Scholar, and other search engines and harvesters - both popular and more scholarly - making them highly visible to any web user.
- Improving the visibility of works through standardized metadata, full-text search, and indexing in Google Scholar
- Preserving works long-term
- Providing authors with tools to understand how their works are being accessed, such as download statistics
Please contact us at RED@mnstate.edu with any questions.
To learn more about Institutional Repositories, please visit the Digital Commons Resources page.