The Effects of Video Lectures On Student Performance

Date of Award

Fall 12-18-2020

Document Type

Project (696 or 796 registration)

Degree Name

Master of Science in Curriculum & Instruction


Graduate Studies

Committee Chair

Aaron Peterson


Metacognition, Flipped Classroom, Video Lectures



The purpose of this study was to examine the impact on student achievement and engagement when instruction was delivered using online recordings as an alternative to in person lecture. The research subjects were math and science teachers in the East Central region of Minnesota who were teaching or had taught using the flipped classroom method during or before the year 2020. This study had three participating teachers from three different schools. One taught math and the other two science. Interviews were conducted and seven questions were asked. Teachers had the questions ahead of time and knew what was going to be asked. Each of the three teachers used different methods for setting up their flipped classrooms. Two of the three teachers preferred the flipped classroom and wouldn’t go back to the traditional methods of teaching. The teacher who preferred the traditional method for teaching was only using the flipped classroom because there was a global pandemic.

Abstract only: No full text available.
