Welcome to RED. RED is an open-access repository maintained by the Minnesota State University Moorhead Library to showcase, preserve, and provide access to the scholarly and creative work produced by the MSUM Community.
A copy of each Dissertation and Thesis written by a graduate student at MSUM as partial fulfillment of the requirements for the graduate degree is deposited in RED. Students registered for Dissertation (799) or Thesis (699) will upload their final approved papers.
For those graduate students that elect to do the Project/Action Research and have registered for 696 or 796, uploading the project is optional. The two options:
- Completion of the submission form only; no upload.
- Completion of the submission form and upload of project only when approved by project advisor.
Please discuss your options with your advisor.
Student submission guidelines are available on the left menu of this page.
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➱ If you are looking for works older than 2018, they may be on the shelves of the library and listed in the library catalog.
Theses/Dissertations/Projects from 2025
Administrators’ and Teachers’ Perceived Importance of the Holistic Framework for Professional Development Elements: Survey Research, Adrianna Cate
Improving 1st Early Reading Skills Using Functional Phonics, Alison Cruickshank
A Phenomenological Study of Factors that Impact Math Achievement in a Rural Midwestern Elementary School, Calina K. Krogen
Plan B Project: Analysis of Self, Ariel Syvertson
Theses/Dissertations/Projects from 2024
Adolescent Anxiety and the Effects of Coping Cat, Alea Al-Juhari
Understanding the Experiences of Secondary Students Identified as In-School Truant and Their Perceived Contributing Factors to Truancy: When and What Caused the Disconnection, Joshua Donald Andres
The Brain is the Body: A S.M.A.R.T. Approach to Self-Regulation and Learning, Jennifer Autumnstar
School-Based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: Using the C.A.T. Project Intervention with a Middle School Student, Anna Grace Bartels
The Importance of Adopting a Neurodiversity Affirming Approach: A Training for School Counselors, Emily Bauer
Improving First Grade Sight Word Fluency Using the Reading Racetrack Intervention, Samantha Beneke
Teacher-Paraprofessional Collaboration in Special Education, Amber Blilie and Mary Spillum
Most Likely to Succeed: Which Factors Influence College Students in Completing Their Two-Year Computer Degree and Graduating from College, Nathan Blommel
Teacher Retention: A Qualitative Analysis of Issues Surrounding the Retention of Special Educators, Ryan Brumwell
Understanding Practitioner’s Perceptions of Speech and Language Therapy Services in the Juvenile Justice System, Julia Buendgen
Using a Modified Check-In Check-Out Intervention as Supplemental Support to Increase Consistency of Positive Behavior, Liliana Cannella
The Well-being of College Students Who Participate in a Regular Yoga Nidra Practice, Angie Clark
A “How to Guide” of Tier 2 Reading Interventions, Nolan Coyle
Trust Judgements of Facial Stimuli, Linsey Culkins
Premarital Counseling and Education Group, London Defender
Finding My Purpose, Alyssa Eichhorn
Gifted Students with Physical and Health Disabilities: Characteristics, Identification, and Programming, Terence Friedrichs
Analysis of Self, Janna Gilbertson
The Impact of the Master Schedule on Student Perception of Teacher-Student Relationships in Minnesota Middle Schools, Jonathon Graff
Addressing All Areas of Child Development Through Early Intervention, Allison Green
Dungeons and Dragons as a Therapeutic Intervention Training, Samuel Grove
Use of Social Narratives to Target Inferring Behaviors with a Kindergarten Student, Danielle Hall
Self-Monitoring Intervention for Students with ADHD, Nikki Heggelund
A Personal Journey of Self-Reflection, Brooke Heil
Stigma in Special Education Services with Student Focused Solutions, Deion Heinen
Empowering Math Skills: Integrating Add+VantageMR (AVMR) as an Intervention for Individuals with Learning Disabilities, Christa Heisler
Self-Discovery: Healing the Past, Embracing the Future, Ashley Helgeson
The Impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences on Juvenile Delinquency, Abigail Holmquist
Faculty Perceptions of College Readiness: A Phenomenological Study at a Two-year College, Jackie Jackson
The Mass Murder Epidemic of the United States: Policy, Reflections, and the Way Through, Isaiah Johnson
Best Practices for working with children who have experienced sexual abuse: A Training Resource Manual for Mental Health Counselors, Olivia Johnson
Do Journaling Activities in Middle School Physical Education Classrooms Improve Student Participation, Dain Kalkbrenner
Examining the Effect of UFLI Reading Intervention with 1st Grade Students, Adara Kamarainen
Focus Groups: Perceived Stress and Stress Management Techniques of Speech-Language Pathology Graduate Students, Emily Karevold
Analysis of Self, Sadie Ketteman
Anxiety Group for Teens Group Manual, Jacob Kinnen
Empowering Therapy: A Guide for Working with Individuals Engaged in Sex Work A Training for Mental Health Counselors, Tony Kirsch
Mastery Learning Approach with Formative Assessment Process to Encourage Student Success in Mathematics Classroom, Erin Kruckenberg
Comparing Online and Traditional Assessment Practices in Middle School Mathematics, Maxwell Krueger and Kathy Enger
The Effectiveness of the University of Florida Literacy Institute Intervention Program for Three First-Grade Students Struggling in Reading, Abigail Kunkel
Check-In Check-Out as a Tier 2 Behavioral Intervention for Two First-Grade Students, Kierra Lodwick
Middle School Journal Writing Research Proposal, Sandtrice Lovaloy
Physical Impairment Guide, Matthew Lytle
An Investigation of How High School Teachers Can Positively Influence the Mental Health of High School Students, Anthony Mahady
Best Practices for Counselors Working with Children Who Have Been Victims of Sex Trafficking, Samantha Maier
Implementing a Career Development Program for 7th Grade Students, Courtney Danielle Martinson
Vaping in the Schools: A training for educators, Samantha McDaniel
Student-Centered Task Box Instruction, Mikayla Meece
The Selective Mutism Intervention Guide: A Guide for School-based Professionals, Katherine Menning
Analysis of Self: My Roller Coaster of a Journey, Emily Meyer
Pragmatic Factors of Nationally Ranked NCAA Division II Men's Golf Teams: A Grounded Theory Inquiry, Ekren Miller
Getting Real: Examining the Effectiveness of Authentic Learning In the English/ Language Arts Classroom, Tanya Miller
Becoming Me, Teddy., Theodore Murray
Analysis of Self: The Unfortunate Exploration and Development of Myself, Owen L. Myhr
ADHD & Self-Esteem: A Group Psychotherapy Manual for Young Adults A, Spencer Neisen
Kimberly's Kaleidoscope: A Journey into Self-Discovery, Kimberly Novotny
The Use of Coping Power to Reduce Problematic Behavior with a 4th Grade Male Student, Megan Francine Oliver
Accessing and Implementing Assistive Technology in a K-4 School, Victoria Olson
Increasing Self-Esteem In Early Adolescents, Megan Ostendorf
Analysis of Self: A Personal and Professional Journey, Lara Overbeck
Improving Reading Outcomes Using LANGUAGE! Live and Repeated Reading with Three Fourth Grade Students, Kylie Jo Parisien
A Qualitative Study Focused On Understanding P-12 School Leadership Through the Perceptions of P-12 Educators and Leaders, Amanda Lorraine Pederson
A Journey to Who I Am, Danielle Peterson
The Effects of High-Leverage Practices on Teaching Candidates Math Self-Efficacy, Christine Quisley
Cultural belonging impact on retention intention of non-American international undergraduate students in attendance at U.S.-based postsecondary institutions, April Ray and April Ray
Increasing Positive Behavior Using Be Good People, Cassandra Rostvet
Analyzing Phonics Curriculum for Early Learning, Candice Schultz
Contributing Factors to Special Education Teacher Burnout and Retention, Amy Schulz
Supporting Students with Chronic Pain: A Group Manual for School Counselors, Victoria Shinners
Mental Health Literacy Training for Coaches, Daniel Anthony Simpson
A Trauma Informed Schools Training for High School Educators, Ashlyn Skolness
Resource Guide for the Use of Generative AI In Education, Andrew Smith
Jr. GLOmies Elective Class : Increasing Inclusion and Building positive relationships within our schools, Sarah Sparks
Teacher-Paraprofessional Collaboration in Special Education, Mary Spillum and Amber Blilie
Progress Monitoring Importance, Challenges, And Solutions, Brenda Steffens-Romereim
Collaborating and Supporting Education Support Professionals (ESPs), Macy Stockamp
Descriptions that tell, Katerina Sturgis
Optimizing Special Education with the Use of Technology in the Classroom, Briana Sundet
The Power of Relationships and Behaviors, Preston Teske
Resilient Schools, Resilient Students: Trauma-Informed Education, Tori Teske
The Experiences of Individuals with Chronic Health Conditions Participating in Mental Health Treatment A Phenomenological Study, Marshall Tutt
Mentor Training Curriculum for Mentor Programs within K-12 Public School Systems, Haley Ulland
Disproportionality of English Language Learners in Special Education, Spencer Van Beck
Analysis of Self: My Journey to Becoming Me, Georgia Wachtler
Mental Health and Police Response Criminal Justice Training Curriculum, Richard Watkins
Understanding the Relationship Between Fidgeting, Academic Performance, and Peer Distractibility, Katlyn Watson