Welcome to RED. RED is an open-access repository maintained by the Minnesota State University Moorhead Library to showcase, preserve, and provide access to the scholarly and creative work produced by the MSUM Community.
A copy of each Dissertation and Thesis written by a graduate student at MSUM as partial fulfillment of the requirements for the graduate degree is deposited in RED. Students registered for Dissertation (799) or Thesis (699) will upload their final approved papers.
For those graduate students that elect to do the Project/Action Research and have registered for 696 or 796, uploading the project is optional. The two options:
- Completion of the submission form only; no upload.
- Completion of the submission form and upload of project only when approved by project advisor.
Please discuss your options with your advisor.
Student submission guidelines are available on the left menu of this page.
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➱ If you are looking for works older than 2018, they may be on the shelves of the library and listed in the library catalog.
Theses/Dissertations/Projects from 2022
The Use of Check-In and Check-Out to Improve Behaviors in a Second Grade Student, Jonas Matzen
Analysis of Amy, Amy McIntosh
Parenting Isn't Easy: Parent Newsletters for Social/Emotional Learning in Early Childhood, Lauryn Meyer
The Link Between Play and Literacy Learning in Kindergarten, Rachel Modrow
The Effect of Daily Fluency on Algebraic Procedural Fluency in Students, Osman Mohamoud
The Impact of Morning Mindfulness during the Kindergarten Math Lesson, Terri M. Moser
Analysis of Self, Christa Nakumuryango
Analyzing the Effectiveness of Different Media to Enhance Mathematical Discourse, Kyle Och
The Impact of Problem-Based Learning on Students Critical Thinking Skills and Peer Relationships, Rebecca Ostby
Classroom Inclusion Handbook for Students With Physical and Health Disabilities, George Ostrom
The Impact of Student Cell Phones on Standardized Test Achievement in the High School English Classroom, Jackie Otway
Addressing Teacher Attrition Through Trauma-Informed Practices in the Workplace, Amy Pahl and Amy L. Pahl
Differentiated School-Wide Training: Strategies to Increase Student Emotion-Regulation, Savanna Patrias
Paraprofessionals in the School Setting: A Literature Review, Tyelyn Pearson
Reducing Teacher Turnover: Factors of Teacher Retention Success, Karrie Pederson Rage
American Axle & Manufacturing Holdings, Inc: Financial Analysis Report, Brooke Pfeffer
Literature Review: Trauma-Informed Classrooms for Middle School Students, Halea Picha
Affirmative Counseling with LGBQQIA Individuals: A Training and Resource Manual for Mental Health Counselors, Tena Prestidge
Diversity in Children's Books, Hala Qarini
LGBTQIA+ Training, Jazmin Reckmo
Native Language Attrition Among Immigrants, Fawzia Riji
Co-Teaching: The benefits that facilitate a positive learning experience, Kari Rivard
Equine Assistance as a Psychotherapy Tool for Adolescents with Trauma Experiences, Shania Robinson
The Effect of Separating Grades from Feedback on Student Motivation, Nora Rogers
Teacher Readiness to Implement Universal Social Emotional Instruction in a Rural 7-12 Grade School, Kristie Ronchetti
Scope and Sequence of Social-Emotional Learning Curricula for Preschool and Kindergarten Practitioners Based on Core Competencies, Jenessa Rothmeier
Which Factors Influence African American Male students' Persistence in and Graduation from College?, Jeremiah Rotich
The Impacts of Phone Use in the High School Mathematics Classroom, Kaitlin Rubash
Communicating change during a college merger process: A grounded theory approach, Jessalyn Sabin
Statutory Provisions Governing Special Education: A Guide for Beginning Special Education Teachers, Hannah Sagvold
Influencing Well-being: A Study of Childhood Risk Factors as Predictive Indicators for Future Mental Health Difficulties, Jennifer Sahr
Autism: A Teacher's Guide, Kaitlyn Schaps
Adapted Curriculum for Students with Severe-Profound Disabilities, Kendall Schauer
Engagement in Junior High Choir: The Impact of Student-to-Student Interaction, Olivia Schlotman
The Science of Reading: How can we help our students become more successful readers?, Ashley Schmit
Improving Disciplinary Literacy in the Science Classroom with Scaffolding, Hunter Schow
The Impact of Academic Tracking and Mathematics Self-Concept on Mathematics Achievement., Kain M. Schow
Reid Segal: Analysis of Self, Reid Segal
Transitioning into Adulthood, Brittany Smith
Body Image and Relationship Satisfaction in Middle-Aged Women, Julia C. Solem
Successful Teacher Preparation Program Characteristics, Renae Spangler
The Effect of Self-Paced Learning on Student Achievement and Motivation within an Eighth-Grade Mathematics Classroom, Jacy Spencer
News Media Literacy and Political Engagement in High School Civics Education, Elise Sperling
The Impact of Distance Education on Therapy Services for Students with ASD: An SLP Perspective, Andrea Spragg
Meditation, Breathing, and Mindfulness Exercises and their Effectiveness on Classroom Behaviors and Management, Jessica Steeber
Analysis of Self, Kyle Sundberg
Transition: Early Intervention to Preschool, Kim Thiesse
Analysis of Self, Martin Thorp
Improving Middle School Students Awareness of Personal Anxiety Strategies Through Cognitive-Behavioral Group Therapy, Matthew Tibbetts
Play, Learn, Grow: Inclusive Play Structures for the Future, Heather Torgerson
Transition Guide and Supports for Families of Adolescents with Disabilities, Chelsey S. Traut
Effects of Phonemic Awareness and Oral Reading Fluency, Melissa Vetsch-Larson
Mindful Resources: A Guide to Mindfulness-Based Interventions, Lexi Marie Vogel
An Analysis of Self: Fifty-five, Ross M. Walther
Helping Create Successful Transitions from Family-Centered Service Plans to Individualized Education Plans and Services, Emily Welle and Emily Welle
Autism: A Qualitative Content Analysis of Counseling Journals, 1986-2021, Danielle Weller
A Discourse Analysis of Cheers, Paul Wiesenborn
Evaluating Healthcare Leaders: A Competency Assessment of Rural Healthcare Management within the Midwest, Heather Winkler
MasTec, Inc. - A Financial Analysis and Valuation Report, Haley Wolfe
The Impact of MTSS on Student Engagement, Jennifer Zbacnik Martin
A Group Counseling Manual on Grief for High School Students, Alison Ziegler
Theses/Dissertations/Projects from 2021
Using Differentiation Instruction and Multiple Intelligences to Motivate Students, Roberta Aakhus
The Use of Leveled Literacy Intervention to Increase Letter Sound Fluency in a First Grade Student, Theodora Ajani
Empowering Learners through Habits of Mind and Personalized Pathways: An Ethnographic Study, Megan Amundson
Student Perceptions Regarding Alternate Forms of Free Time/Mindfulness, Ann Anderson
Renewable Energy Group, Inc. Financial Analysis, Nomin Baasandavaa
Trauma-Informed Practices Amongst Early Childhood Indigenous Students, Linda Bajan
HLP Professional Portfolio, Laura Baker
Social Media Awareness: The Impact of Social Media on Mental Health, Megan Beattie
Implementation of Social Emotional Skills to Students with a Developmental Delays During a Pandemic, Monica Beier
The Impact of Daily Yoga in a Kindergarten Classroom, Amanda Bennett
Parent Coaching: Supporting Caregivers of a Child with a Disability, Ryann Beukema
The Effects of a Shared Vision of Teacher Leadership on Classroom Teachers’ Instruction, Tiffany Bockelmann
The Exploration of Why Burnout Occurs with Registered Nurses Who Work in Psychiatric Care Settings, Jenna Booth
Recovery Network Awareness: A Training Guide to Help Clients Choose an Aftercare Program for Sobriety, Thomas Bosek
Preceptorship Within Accredited Nutrition and Dietetics Programs: A Pragmatic Mixed Methods Study, Angela K. Brekken
Attitudes and Behaviors Involved in Sustained Silent Reading, John Brumback
Standard Specific Student Achievement Scores and the Impact on Teacher Incorporation of Standards, Knowledge of Standards, and Student Achievement, Jeffrey Burgess
How the COVID-19 Pandemic Affected High School Student Mathematical Anxiety During Distance Learning., Ryan Christiansen
The Road Less Traveled: An Insight to the Educational Journeys of American Indian Students in Higher Education, Kristina Cirks
The Impact of Self-Management Skills in Elementary Classrooms, Erica Clark and Mackinzie Sorum
Implementation of the AIM Social Skills Curriculum, Jennifer Cook
An Autoethnography in Jejueo Revitalization, Trevor Cook
A Phenomenological Inquiry into the Perceptions of Single Mother College Students, Jamaica DelMar
In This Together- A Collaborative Family Support Group Project, Gena Dempsey
Grief Small Group Curriculum: Small Group Activities for Upper Elementary Students Dealing with Grief, Jessica Dobmeier
Impact of Explicitly Teaching STEM Careers on Students’ Interest in Pursuing a STEM Career Among 8th Grade Students, Katherine Dosland
Counselor Burnout: An Agency Response Manual, Kaitlin Doyle
The Impact on Organization Behavior in a Telecommuting World and the Potential Impacts on the Business, JERRILYNN DVORAK
Strategies to Overcome Special Education Teacher Burnout, Amber Eastwood
The Impact of Direct Instruction of Social and Emotional Learning Skills on Academic Achievement in the 6th Grade Classroom, Erik Ecklund