Welcome to RED. RED is an open-access repository maintained by the Minnesota State University Moorhead Library to showcase, preserve, and provide access to the scholarly and creative work produced by the MSUM Community.
A copy of each Dissertation and Thesis written by a graduate student at MSUM as partial fulfillment of the requirements for the graduate degree is deposited in RED. Students registered for Dissertation (799) or Thesis (699) will upload their final approved papers.
For those graduate students that elect to do the Project/Action Research and have registered for 696 or 796, uploading the project is optional. The two options:
- Completion of the submission form only; no upload.
- Completion of the submission form and upload of project only when approved by project advisor.
Please discuss your options with your advisor.
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➱ If you are looking for works older than 2018, they may be on the shelves of the library and listed in the library catalog.
Theses/Dissertations/Projects from 2021
The Impact of Direct Instruction of Social and Emotional Learning Skills on Academic Achievement in the 6th Grade Classroom, Erik Ecklund
Body Image and Eating Patterns in Older Adults, Anna Ellenson
Action Research: Teachers’ Attitudes and Perceptions of Implementing Restorative Practices, Hannah Erickson
Adverse Childhood Experiences and How They Affect Student’s Overall Functioning in the Academic Setting, Cynthia Fiedler
Adverse Childhood Experiences and How They Affect Student’s Overall Functioning in the Academic Setting, Cynthia Fiedler
Effects of Small Group Math Interventions for Math Achievement, Brittany Folk
Burnt Out Educators: A Phenomenological Study of Minnesota Teachers, Hannah Frink-Levenhagen
Co-teaching: How and Where to Begin in a Middle School, Janaya Fugleberg
The Effectiveness of Teacher-led versus Technology-Based Reading Interventions, Shelby Geiser-Norgaard
The Effects That a Flipped Classroom has on Engagement and Academic Performance for High School Mathematics Students, Jordan Geraets
Results of Incorporating Multicultural and Inclusive Children’s Literature in an Elementary Classroom, Sarah Gerber
The Uneducated Teacher: Why Students with a Traumatic Brain Injury are Misunderstood, Addie Geske
Implementation of Word Solving Strategies During First Grade Guided Reading, Kimberly Ann Gienger
Kindergarten Teachers' Perceptions about the Language and Literacy Skills of Their Students, Toni Gohman
The Impact of Inquiry-Based Professional Development on Educator Self-Efficacy, Kaia Grant
Examining Teacher Leadership: The Perceived Challenges of Being a Teacher Leader, Noelle Hiedeman Green
Professional Development for Paraprofessionals, Virginia Haman
A Mirror’s Tale: Understanding Myself Through a Reflection, Sequoia Harmon
Strategies for Teaching Based on Autism Research (STAR Program) Curriculum Review and Implementation, Cassidy Harrington
Executive Function: What It Is and How It Affects Reading Comprehension, Abegail Harthun
Technology or Pencil and Paper: How do fifth graders best learn math facts?, Carrie Hartwig
Decreasing Disruptive Classroom Behavior Using the Good Behavior Game in a Second-Grade Classroom, Sarah Hawn
Effects of Play-Based Learning on Phonemic Awareness and Phonics Skills, Kristen Heidecker
All You Wanted to Know About Your IEP ~ But were afraid to ask., Shannon Heifort
Using Structured Work Task Systems to Foster Generalized Task Management and Independence in Kindergarten and First Grade Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders., McKenzie Helgeson
Using Structured Work Task Systems to Foster Generalized Task Management and Independence in Kindergarten and First Grade Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders., McKenzie Helgeson
The Effect of Vocal Exploration Exercises on Pitch-Matching Skills in First and Fourth Grade Students, Katie Hillestad
Student Academic Achievement in Literacy: Implementing Individualized Goal Setting, Nicolle Hillier
Social Studies Literacy, Justin Hingst
Becoming the Person I Want to Be, Molly Hirsch
Getting Books in the Hands of Adolescent Boys with Engine Oil Under Their Fingernails, Mariah Hruby
The Effects of Activity-based and Inquiry-based Teaching Methods on Student Attitude and Perception Toward Geometry, Wade Hukriede
Assessing the Influence of Mentorship on Faculty Job Satisfaction in Higher Education, Rachelle Hunt
Paraprofessionals in the School Setting, Brooklyn Huttunen
Discernment Counseling: Realities of Modern Couples in Distress a Training for Community Education, Maranda Jacobsen
La-Z-Boy Inc A Financial Analysis and Valuation Report, DeAnn Jensen
Aerobic Capacity Fitness Level Impact on NWEA/MAP Reading and Math Scores, Andrew Jipson
Aerobic Capacity Fitness Level Impact on NWEA/MAP Reading and Math Scores, Andrew Jipson
Engagement in Music Education in the Upper Elementary Grades, Abigail Jirik
Student Success While Incorporating Cooperative Learning In The 6th Grade Classroom, Jacob Johnson
Impacts of Restorative Circles on Fifth Grade Students of Color, Kennedy Johnson
Positive Influences on Why They Stay: A Qualitative Study on the Contributing Factors to Teacher Retention in Rural North Dakota, Jennifer A. Jung
Yoga as a Positive Behavior Intervention, Kristen Kadrie
AVMR One Intervention Implementation, Seth Kaiser
Facilitators and Barriers to Interprofessional Practice in Rural Schools: A Survey of SLPs, Sarah Kastner
Professional Role of Paraprofessionals: A Literature Review, Karli Kirkwood
The Effect of Virtual Labs on High School Student Attitudes Towards Chemistry, Emily Koehler
Preschool Whole Group Circle Time: Does More Comfortable Seating Give Rise to Preschooler Engagement?, Roberta Kopel
Consumer Purchasing Decisions Based on a Company's Sustainability Efforts and Marketing Initiatives, Brooke Kopperud
Flipped Classroom Effects on Upper Elementary and Middle School Student Motivation Inside and Outside the Classroom, Katarina Kuhlmann
Cooper Tire & Rubber Co: A Financial Analysis and Valuation Report, Dave Laluyan
Improving Oral Reading Fluency: Using Corrective Reading Intervention and Self-Graphing with Three Third Graders, Justine Larson
Increasing Engagement in Youth in a Juvenile Detention Facility: Teaching Science for Social Justice, Kelley Larson
Elevating the voices of community college faculty: A phenomenological study of community college work, Patria Lawton
Building Confidence of Academic Library Staff in the Selection of Culturally Authentic Native American Picture Books, Cassondra Leeport
Douglas Dynamics, Inc. A Financial Analysis and Valuation Report, Jessicca Lhotak
Ninth Grade Student Preference and Attitude Towards Test Formats in Science: Implementing a Student-Centered Approach, Erica Lindquist
The Impact of Exercise Breaks in the Classroom on Disruptive Behavior of Third Grade Students, Jackson Lindquist
IEP Implementation Fidelity: Literature Review and Handbook, Kiah Love-Latzke
Does the Implementation of Bridges Math Intervention Show Growth in Student Learning?, Heidi Lunde
The Impact of a Flipped Classroom on Student Motivation and Engagement, Brett Maass
The Relationship Between Increasing Teachers' Language Knowledge and Students' Decoding and Reading Comprehension Skills., Maisa Mabrouk
Professional Role of Paraprofessionals: A Literature Review, Emily Martin Thompson and Karli Kirkwood
The Application of Structured Work Task Systems for Students with Autism in Early Childhood, Molly McGrath
Providing Culturally and Linguistically Responsive Instructional Strategies and Interventions within the Response to Intervention Framework, Clarissa Meyer
Cyclical and Intentional Activity Selection in Inquiry-Based Learning Improved by 5E Learning, Mitchell Miller
Strategies Utilized by Speech-Language Pathologists when Treating Speech-Language Disorders in Children who are Bilingual, Julianne L. Monceaux-Visser
Literature Circles and the Use of Comprehension Strategies within a Fifth Grade Classroom, Allison Mrak
Retention and Attrition of Athletic Training Mothers in the National Collegiate Athletic Association Division II Setting, Patricia Myrvik
The Influence of Readers' Theater in Reading Fluency, Tessa Nelson
Lack of Motivation in High School Students: REACH Curriculum, Alexandra L. Nickolauson
Using a Self-Management Behavioral Intervention to Decrease Disruptive Behavior in a Seventh Grade Student, Laura Odgren
Cognitive Processing Therapy: Training for College Counseling Centers Treating Victims of Sexual Assault, Kari O'Keeffe
Simplification of Tools and Student Attitude: How it Affects Teacher’s Success Rate with Data-Driven Instruction, Shannon Opdahl
Student Perspective on One-to-One Devices in Middle and High School, Zachary Page and Justin Roob
Analysis of Self: My Life's Impact on Personal and Professional Identity, Emily Ashton Pekas Ms.
Impacts of Social-Emotional Learning Via a Daily Writing Reflection in the Secondary Classroom, Angie Peterson
Extinguishing The Fuse of Teacher Burnout, Elizabeth Pfeifle
Co-Teaching in the Special Education Setting: Tips on How to Effectively Collaborate, Mariah Powers
The Effects of Book Choice in Small-Group Reading, Jessica Proell
Exploring the Pathways of Females who Achieved the Highest Administrative Positions in Education, Amy Rawson
All About the Special Education Process: A Handbook for Parents, Mikayla Reinke
Gradeless Learning: The Effect of Eliminating Traditional Grading Practices on Student Engagement and Learning, Eric Sanders
The Effects Not Grading Formative Assessments Has on Summative Assessments, Luke Saunders
The Use of Phoneme-Grapheme Mapping Practice To Improve Foundational Reading Skills In a First Grade Student, Annah Scherling
An Educator’s Guide to Tier 2 and Tier 3 Evidence-based Interventions for Students with Emotional and/or Behavioral Needs, Sara Schmidt
The Impact of Repeated Reading Interventions on Second Grade Readers, Katelyn Schmitz
A Teacher's Role in Guiding Collaborative Play-Based Learning, Mikaela Scullen
A Guide for Preschool General Education Teachers to Identify and Support Children with Developmental Delays, Sarah Jane Snider Mrs
The Impact of Small Group Direct Instruction on the Vocabulary Development of Fourth Grade Students, Rachel Solum
Social Media and Self-esteem Small Group for Adolescent Girls, Diana Strand
Successfully Implementing AAC Systems in Inclusionary Settings: Strategies for Paraprofessionals, Megan Streed
Implementation of Instruction and Continued Practice of Tier Two Vocabulary Words in Upper Elementary Classrooms, Hailey Swiers
Coaching and Embedding in Early Childhood, Danielle Tagtmeier