Becoming the Person I Want to Be

Date of Award

Spring 5-22-2021

Document Type

Project (696 or 796 registration)

Degree Name

Master of Science in Counseling


Graduate Studies

Committee Chair

Jessica Brown, Taryn Akgul



I expected the Master’s in Clinical Mental Health program at MSUM to be a journey towards a career, but the program proved to be more impactful than this. Through constant reflection, I have gained a significant amount of insight into myself while exploring theories, culture, and skills. Self-application and reflection have proven to be crucial aspects of understanding and applying the information . As a future counselor, it has been humbling to show vulnerability through my time in the program and find that it has encouraged the professional and personal growth that I did not expect. The growth I have experienced throughout this program has encouraged me to continue my professional and personal development as I feel that they build on each other as I pursue my career as a counselor. With the insight I have gained, I hope to help my future clients gain insights of their own and promote positive change.

Abstract only: No full text available.
