Effects of Intentional Joint Planning with Caregivers in Early Intervention

Date of Award

Fall 12-5-2022

Document Type

Project Abstract (696 or 796 registration)

Degree Name

Master of Science in Special Education


Graduate Studies

Committee Chair

Jed Locquiao


early intervention, coaching, early childhood, special education, adult learning, joint planning, family centered practices


This project examines what effect implementing a structured joint planning tool has on intended use of coaching practices by interventionists and parent engagement to coaching practices within an early childhood home visiting program. Three early interventionists are asked to measure both their use of five coaching practices related to joint planning as well as five parent participation indicators for each of their intervention visits over a six week period. The results of this project indicate positive correlations between the use of a structured tool and increases in the use of coaching practices and parent participation when joint planning with caregivers in intervention visits.

Abstract only: No full text available.
