Using High Leverage Practices 1 and 12 to Positively Impact Students with Nonverbal Autism in an Inclusive Pre-K Classroom Increase Communication and Social Skills

Date of Award

Spring 5-4-2022

Document Type

Project Abstract (696 or 796 registration)

Degree Name

Master of Science in Special Education


Graduate Studies

Committee Chair

Shirley Johnson


As the number of students with nonverbal Autism being included within the pre-k general education classrooms full time increases, there is a need to examine and expand upon research of best practices to ensure the students are successful. Current research focuses on collaboration, common planning time, communication needs, and social skills needs of students with Autism within separate contexts, however there is a need to focus on all of these within one study to see how using high leverage practices can increase the success and independence of students with nonverbal Autism in the general education pre-k classroom. This project adds to current research by taking common planning time and collaboration efforts to implement evidence-based practices to increase communication skills and social skills of a student with nonverbal Autism. Overall, the students’ skills increased despite the lack of collaboration and follow through on the part of the general education teacher. Using the evidence-based practices of PECS, social stories, and prepracticing, a positive impact was noticed in the student, coinciding what was shown in previous research.

Abstract only: No full text available.
