Using a Modified Check-In Check-Out Intervention as Supplemental Support to Increase Consistency of Positive Behavior

Date of Award

Winter 12-19-2024

Document Type

Project Abstract (696 or 796 registration)

Degree Name

Master of Science in School Psychology


Graduate Studies

Committee Chair

Joshua Johnson


check-in check-out, CICO, behavior, school, intervention


A modified Check-In Check-Out intervention was implemented to increase the consistency of positive behavior of a 5th grade male student. A graduate student administered the intervention twice a week during the afternoons of the spring semester. During this time, the student was receiving interagency services at an alternative school setting within his district’s special education cooperative. The intervention sought to improve the student’s consistency with practicing behaviors associated with “kindness.” The student could earn rewards by achieving his goal of securing 85% of possible points for his kindness goal over five consecutive days. The goal was defined as keeping words and actions toward others kind by saying and doing things that make others feel good. Overall, the student demonstrated increased consistency in reaching his goal during the intervention period.

Abstract only: No full text available.
