Date of Award

Fall 12-19-2019

Document Type

Project (696 or 796 registration)

Degree Name

Master of Science in Curriculum & Instruction


Graduate Studies

Committee Chair

David Tack


New Teacher, adjustment, teacher, relationships


Becoming an educator comes with many challenges. As an educator you are often faced with high or different expectations from administration and superiors, you work with a variety of student abilities, backgrounds, and socioeconomic statuses. Each day you are faced with situations where you might be challenged to use problem solving skills, or conflict resolution. You must also adapt to a new building, demanding schedules, meetings students’ unique needs, working with new colleagues, and implement and effective classroom management system. This study analyzes the adjustments that I, as an educator went through as I adapted to a new school district. The study was conducted through the use of an auto-ethnography. The goal of this study was to expose the challenges that newly hired teachers’ experience, and what adjustments and changes they make in the process in order to be successful within their first year of working at their district.



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