Master of Science in Curriculum & Instruction | Dissertations, Theses, and Projects by Degree | Minnesota State University Moorhead


Theses/Dissertations/Projects from 2023


Using Positive Reinforcement to Increase Student Engagement in The Classroom, Ismail Adam Ismail

The Impact of Literacy Small Group Instruction on Writing Growth in Kindergarten, Taylor Albrecht


The Effect of Student Agency in a Kindergarten Classroom, Rachel Bedel

Exploring the Effect of Optional Homework on Test Scores, Brett Brenden


Using Readers' Theater to Increase Fluency for Second Grade Students, Serena Coyle


Co-Teaching in the ELA Classroom: Content Teacher and ELL Specialist, Sayra Crary


What Limitations Does the Accelerate Reader Program Create When Students Choose Books to Read, Kathryn Franklin

The Effectiveness of Student Friendly Scales on Third Grade Students aimswebPlus Reading Comprehension Scores, Lauren Grove


Transition Time Affecting Instruction Time in Middle School Classrooms, Rachel Heinze


An Analysis of How Daily Reflection Journals about Reading Impact Students’ Motivation to Read, Alyssa Holland


Impact of Brain Breaks on Student Engagement in an Upper Elementary Classroom, Hannah Jaeger and Stephanie McWilliams


Impacting Student Self-Efficacy in English/Language Arts: Using Student-Generated Questions in Small Group Discussions, Heather Johnson


The Effectiveness of Using Phonics Instruction and Interventions in Elementary Classrooms, Brittany Kasprick


Ethnographic Research of the Impact of Catalyst Strategies on the Engagement and Relationships within the Classroom for 6th Graders Versus 2nd Graders in the General Education Classroom, Amber Keller, Casey Poland, Rene Beaird, and Sara Kubicek

The Effects of Goal Setting Practices on Performance Motivation in a Personalized Competency Based Education Learning Model, Emily Klusman


Decodable Readers versus Leveled Text, Taylor Leitch

Decodable Readers versus Leveled Texts, Taylor Leitch


The Impact of a Social Emotional Learning Integrated Curriculum on Student Social Emotional Competencies, Karrah Lucht


Using Student Goal Setting and Individual Student Conferences to Increase Academic Achievement in Mathematics, Amanda R. McNamee

The Use of Self Regulation an Autoethnography, John Morgan


The Effectiveness of Explicit Literacy Instruction on Kindergarten and First-Grade Student’s Decoding Abilities, Stacy Olson, Megan Parenteau, and Monica Parenteau


Throwing away the Late Work Penalty, Anthony Orttel


The Effectiveness of Explicit Literacy Instruction on Kindergarten and First-Grade Student’s Decoding Abilities, Megan Parenteau, Monica Parenteau, and Stacy Olson


The Effectiveness of Explicit Literacy Instruction on Kindergarten and First-Grade Student’s Decoding Abilities, Monica Parenteau, Megan Parenteau, and Stacy Olson


Ethnographic Research of the Impact of Catalyst Strategies on the Engagement and Relationships within the Classroom for 6th Graders Versus 2nd Graders in General Education, Casey Poland, Rene Beaird, Amber Keller, and Sara Kubicek


The Effect of Visual Arts on At-Risk Students, Nicole E. Seidler


An Analysis of How Teaching Through Invention and Consolidation Phases Affects High School Students’ Understanding of Algebraic Concepts and Beliefs About Mathematics, Cally Simanski


The Effects of Orthographic Mapping in Student Spelling Performance, Kelli Simpson


The Effects of Social-Emotional Learning, Classroom Relationships, and Collaborative Learning on Students’ Emotional Intelligence and Academic Achievement, Slade Simpson

The Impact of Podcasts on Listening and Reading Comprehension in a Secondary English Classroom, Denetre Stetz

Adding Student Choice to the Classroom, Diamond Stram


How will having a W.I.N room for our Emotional and Behavioral Disorder students to access when they are needing a break affects the number of room-clearing behaviors in a week?, Samantha Streed


Effective Classroom Management Strategies, Matthew Taffe


Socioeconomic Status and Instrument Provision Program Effects on Engagement in Instrumental Music Programs, Zachary Truong


Anxiety Reduction Within the School Setting: What known anxiety reducing interventions are most effective in schools?, Cole Walters

The Impact of Writing Supports on Secondary World History Students, Eric Wicklund


Digital Literacy Curriculum: A Case Study Approach to 21st Century Source Evaluation Skills, Joshua Woodley

Theses/Dissertations/Projects from 2022

Emotional Regulation in a Kindergarten Music Class, Jessica Anderson


The Effect of Choice in Reading: Motivation, Engagement, and Enjoyment, Jennifer Barberg


The Study of Morphological Awareness for English Learners, Jane Beeninga


Flipping the Classroom: Flipped Learning and the Performance of High School Algebra 2 Students, Brett Bergeson


A Qualitative Study to Further Explore Student Perceptions of Identities and Representations within A Social Studies Classroom, Jason Blanshan

The Impact of Mindfulness on Attention and Behavior in a Kindergarten Classroom, Cheryl Bray


The Impact of Paired-Partner Reading on STAR Reading Scores, Brianna Byer

The Impact of Extracurricular Activity Participation on Student Academics and Connectedness, Carrie Carlson, Shawn Ford-Milligan, and Amy Haire


A Qualitative Study of Parental Needs in Supporting Home Literacy Environments and Child Literacy Interest, Leah Carlson


How Well Do Students Perform on A Five-Paragraph Analysis Essay When Writing Digitally Versus Handwritten?, Brittany Coryell


The Impact of Video Modeling on Middle School Students with Autism, Lisa Dudley


More Time to Play? A Study on Free-Play and its Effects on Behavior and Academics in School, Emily Edland

The Impact of Extracurricular Activity Participation on Student Academics and Connectedness, Shawn M. Ford-Milligan, Carrie L. Carlson, and Amy C. Haire


Intervention in Foundational Skills on Accelerating Reading Growth in Third Grade Students, Katie Grundstrom


The Effect of Homework Completion on Students’ Academic Performance, Morgan Gustafson

The Impact of Extracurricular Activity Participation on Student Academics and Connectedness, Amy Haire, Carrie Carlson, and Shawn Ford-Milligan

Self-efficacy in Small Group Settings, Mackenzie Heaton


The Impact of Flexible Seating on Academic Performance within an Elementary Classroom, Austin Hendershot


Intrinsic Motivation of Middle School School Students After a Global Pandemic, Erin Hengel

Phonics Based Literacy Instruction in Middle and High School Special Education, Megan Hennen


The Effect of Increased and Varied Vocabulary Instruction on Science Content Acquisition, Emmelyn King


The Impact of Trauma-Informed Professional Development on Classroom Climate, Amber Lenz


A Quantitative Study of an Online Learning Platform’s Impact on High School Students' Engagement, Academic Achievement, and Student Satisfaction in a Mathematics Class, Mariah Minkkinen


The Impact of Utilizing Non-Permanent Workspaces as a Formative Assessment Tool on Students’ Outcomes and Attitudes Towards Mathematics in a Middle School Math Classroom, Robert Minkkinen


The Link Between Play and Literacy Learning in Kindergarten, Rachel Modrow


The Effect of Daily Fluency on Algebraic Procedural Fluency in Students, Osman Mohamoud

The Impact of Morning Mindfulness during the Kindergarten Math Lesson, Terri M. Moser


Analyzing the Effectiveness of Different Media to Enhance Mathematical Discourse, Kyle Och


The Impact of Problem-Based Learning on Students Critical Thinking Skills and Peer Relationships, Rebecca Ostby


The Impact of Student Cell Phones on Standardized Test Achievement in the High School English Classroom, Jackie Otway

Differentiated School-Wide Training: Strategies to Increase Student Emotion-Regulation, Savanna Patrias


The Effect of Separating Grades from Feedback on Student Motivation, Nora Rogers


Teacher Readiness to Implement Universal Social Emotional Instruction in a Rural 7-12 Grade School, Kristie Ronchetti


The Impacts of Phone Use in the High School Mathematics Classroom, Kaitlin Rubash

Engagement in Junior High Choir: The Impact of Student-to-Student Interaction, Olivia Schlotman


Improving Disciplinary Literacy in the Science Classroom with Scaffolding, Hunter Schow


The Impact of Academic Tracking and Mathematics Self-Concept on Mathematics Achievement., Kain M. Schow


News Media Literacy and Political Engagement in High School Civics Education, Elise Sperling

Meditation, Breathing, and Mindfulness Exercises and their Effectiveness on Classroom Behaviors and Management, Jessica Steeber


Effects of Phonemic Awareness and Oral Reading Fluency, Melissa Vetsch-Larson

The Impact of MTSS on Student Engagement, Jennifer Zbacnik Martin

Theses/Dissertations/Projects from 2021

Using Differentiation Instruction and Multiple Intelligences to Motivate Students, Roberta Aakhus


Empowering Learners through Habits of Mind and Personalized Pathways: An Ethnographic Study, Megan Amundson

Student Perceptions Regarding Alternate Forms of Free Time/Mindfulness, Ann Anderson

The Impact of Daily Yoga in a Kindergarten Classroom, Amanda Bennett

A Mindfulness Intervention to Decrease Misbehaviors, Increase Mood and Provide Aid for Emotional Regulation, Increase Attendance and Provide for Academic Growth within a Classroom of Kindergarteners, Tawny Brolin

Attitudes and Behaviors Involved in Sustained Silent Reading, John Brumback


How the COVID-19 Pandemic Affected High School Student Mathematical Anxiety During Distance Learning., Ryan Christiansen

The Impact of Self-Management Skills in Elementary Classrooms, Erica Clark and Mackinzie Sorum

An Autoethnography in Jejueo Revitalization, Trevor Cook

Impact of Explicitly Teaching STEM Careers on Students’ Interest in Pursuing a STEM Career Among 8th Grade Students, Katherine Dosland


The Impact of Direct Instruction of Social and Emotional Learning Skills on Academic Achievement in the 6th Grade Classroom, Erik Ecklund


Action Research: Teachers’ Attitudes and Perceptions of Implementing Restorative Practices, Hannah Erickson


Effects of Small Group Math Interventions for Math Achievement, Brittany Folk

The Effectiveness of Teacher-led versus Technology-Based Reading Interventions, Shelby Geiser-Norgaard


The Effects That a Flipped Classroom has on Engagement and Academic Performance for High School Mathematics Students, Jordan Geraets

Results of Incorporating Multicultural and Inclusive Children’s Literature in an Elementary Classroom, Sarah Gerber


Implementation of Word Solving Strategies During First Grade Guided Reading, Kimberly Ann Gienger


The Impact of Inquiry-Based Professional Development on Educator Self-Efficacy, Kaia Grant