Date of Award

Fall 12-18-2023

Document Type

Thesis (699 registration)

Degree Name

Master of Science in Curriculum & Instruction


Graduate Studies

Committee Chair

Michael Coquyt


transition time, middle school, transitions


This 2023 study focuses on how transition time affects instruction time in middle school students. The study will work to find the best and most efficient ways to transition from one activity to another. Transitioning takes up valuable class time that could otherwise be used in academic related studies. The researcher will time students using a stopwatch during transitions and collect data on which interventions work best during transitional periods. The research takes place in a North Dakota school, specifically eighty-three 6th grade students who are in the researcher’s general education Language Arts classroom. The students will be asked to partake in their daily lessons in the classroom and transition from one activity to another. This may include whole group to small group, individual work, conference with the teacher, or entering and exiting the classroom.



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