Volume 3, Issue 1 (2024) Fall 2023
Dear Reader,
Dear Reader,
On behalf of our managing editor, associate editors, review board, and editorial board members, I welcome you to Volume 3, Issue 1 of the Interactive Journal of Global Leadership and Learning (IJGLL). This issue features articles derived from three qualitative phenomenological studies and one white paper. All four articles focus on some aspect of education, from pre-service teacher recruitment to practicing teacher professional development. Two of the articles involve matters pertaining to students of color; one focuses on recruitment of students of color to the pre-service teaching profession, and the other investigates retention and graduation success of African American men at the postsecondary level.
Three of the articles are derived from phenomenological studies, but the focus of each study is different. One study investigates the recruitment of high school students of color to the teaching profession through a college immersion Grow-Your-Own (GYO) experience. Another article provides evidence regarding the matriculation, retention, and graduation of African American men in a postsecondary setting. The final article affords insight as to the professional learning needs and professional development opportunities and preferences of International Baccalaureate (IB) teachers.
The solitary white paper addresses artificial intelligence (AI), including Chat GPT, with both the good and the bad that comes with AI within the context of pedagogical practices. This article provides the means by which teachers can leverage AI to benefit learning opportunities for students.
Although all four articles feature different topics (i.e., GYO, IB, students of color, and AI) they uphold IJGLL’s commitment to share transformational evidence-based practices in education and leadership that result from individual or collaborative efforts amongst faculty, graduate students, educational leaders, and practitioners who envision more equitable and inclusive learning communities for all. I trust you will find these articles worthwhile.
Boyd L. Bradbury, Ph.D.
Teaching Grow Your Own (GYO) Programs: A Deeper Discussion of a Teaching GYO with a College Campus Immersion Experience
Gricel Escobedo
White Paper

- Boyd Bradbury, Ph.D.
- Editor-in-Chief
- Ximena Suárez-Sousa, Ph.D.
- Managing Editor
Cover Art
- "Self-Portrait"
- By Moonlight Ho
- MSUM Art Education student
- Visit MSUM School of Art