About This Journal

The Interactive Journal of Global Leadership and Learning (IJGLL) aims at serving our collective communities as a platform to share transformational evidence-based practices in education and leadership that result from individual or collaborative efforts amongst faculty, graduate students, educational leaders and practitioners who envision more equitable and inclusive learning communities for all. The IJGLL also aspires to play a bridging role between authors and the general public, by hosting synchronous virtual meetings for Q&A with the authors. The main goal is to ensure that the IJGLL publications are true catalysts for change through sessions where authors' ideas can achieve the highest level of relevance for all participants.
The IJGLL publishes articles that are relevant to social scientists, educational practitioners, and graduate students in an effort to further awareness as well as share best practices to improve educational and educational leadership outcomes for P-12 students as well as students in higher education. The IJGLL is a publication from the Department of Leadership and Learning at Minnesota State University Moorhead.The IJGLL's main scholarly goals are:
- To serve as a voice for underrepresented populations.
- To maintain a balanced representation of P-12 and higher education publications.
- To facilitate collaboration between faculty, graduate students, and practitioners.
- To select for publication manuscripts with the highest potential for impact to current educational systems.
- To serve as jump start to doctoral program graduates' scholarly portfolios.
- To serve as an interactive space for the exchange of transformational ideas and plans for action.
The Interactive Journal of Global Leadership and Learning (IJGLL) is indexed in the Digital Commons Network and WorldCat. Articles published in the IJGLL are preserved in digital form in CLOCKSS and Portico.
ISSN: 2692-3394 (U.S. ISSN Center / Library of Congress).