Volume 2, Issue 1 (2021)
Dear Reader,
On behalf of our managing editor, associate editors, review board, and editorial board members, I welcome you to Volume 2, Issue 1 of the Interactive Journal of Global Leadership and Learning (IJGLL). This issue features articles derived from four qualitative studies and one quantitative study. The lone quantitative study was a non-experimental correlational explanatory study that utilized a pragmatic approach to research. The qualitative studies utilized different paradigms, theoretical and conceptual frameworks, methodologies, and methods, and you will have the opportunity to explore aspects of hermeneutic theory, phenomenology, and case study within the papers found in this issue. One qualitative study even utilized a framework that has only been used for quantitative research in the past.
Although the focus of these studies vary in regard to subjects and level of education (i.e. P-12 and postsecondary), all five studies involve to some extent aspects of support, collaboration, self-efficacy, effective practices, and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on education. Articles in this issue tackle necessary support measures to retain adult, diverse, and non-traditional student populations, necessary supports for counselors and superintendents in addressing challenges exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, and helpful ways to support faculty development and effectiveness. Self-efficacy is examined, in respect to student success, faculty effectiveness in performing faculty responsibilities, counselors, and school leadership.
While there are common threads, such as support and self-efficacy throughout the articles in this issue, you will find a wide variety of informative research. Two articles focus on higher education faculty, one article is concerned with postsecondary students, one article involves counselors, and one article spotlights school leaders (i.e. superintendents).
We trust that you will find useful the articles in this issue. We wish you a happy holiday season and a prosperous 2022.
Boyd L. Bradbury, Ph.D.
Identifying Key Success Indicators in Student Letters for Reinstatement from Suspension
Angela Bowlus and Jamaica DelMar
The personal and professional impact of COVID-19 on school counselors: An exploratory study.
Taryn Akgul, Jessica Brown, and Lisa Karch

- Boyd Bradbury, Ph.D.
- Editor-in-Chief
- Ximena Suarez-Sousa, Ph.D.
- Managing Editor
Cover Art
- "Expand"
- By Albertina Blanche
- MSUM Art Education student
- Visit MSUM School of Art