Volume 1, Issue 3 (2020)
Dear Reader,
On behalf of our managing editor, associate editors, review board, and editorial board members, I welcome you to Volume 1 Issue 3 of the Interactive Journal of Global Leadership and Learning (IJGLL). This issue is dedicated to qualitative studies that focused on teacher leadership and the American Indian student experience in higher education.
In this issue, you will find articles that feature qualitative studies that include: a phenomenological study that examined how K-12 teacher leaders experience the challenges of leading and facilitating adults; a case study that examined one formal system of teacher leadership and how the perspectives of the principal, teacher leaders, and teachers impacted coherence, how this coherence impacted teacher to teacher-leader engagement, and how this level of coherence impacted teachers’ instructional changes; and a study that utilized storytelling via narrative inquiry to understand the underrepresentation of American Indian students in higher education.
We trust that you will find useful the articles in this issue. We wish you an enjoyable summer as we emerge from the COVID-19 era.
Boyd L. Bradbury, Ph.D.

- Boyd Bradbury, Ph.D.
- Editor-in-Chief
- Ximena Suarez-Sousa, Ph.D.
- Managing Editor
Cover Art
- "Bridge"
- By Steven Ranweiler
- MSUM Art Education student
- Visit MSUM School of Art