Volume 1, Issue 2 (2020)
Dear Reader,
On behalf of our managing editor, associate editors, review board, and editorial board members, I welcome you to Volume 1 Issue 2 of the Interactive Journal of Global Leadership and Learning (IJGLL). This issue is dedicated in large part to matters of education within the COVID-19 era. There is little doubt that COVID-19 has left an indelible mark on all aspects of society, including education.
In this issue, you will find articles that include: a phenomenological study of special education teachers’ perceptions and experiences as they transitioned to distance learning during the COVID-19 pandemic; an exploratory study that examined the impact that the COVID-19 pandemic had on Minnesota teachers; and a white paper focused on COVID-19 trauma and educational resilience in a post-COVID-19 era. In addition, three articles focus on areas of education outside of the COVID-19 impact area; those are, a quantitative study assessing the implementation of a freshman academy on multiple educational outcomes for students including academic, behavioral and emotional indicators, a quantitative study that reviews the predictive ability of perception survey results on teacher candidates’ scores on a preparation requirement (edTPA), and exploratory research that strives to determine the relationship between organizational healthcare leaders’ competency levels and healthcare administration curriculum.
We trust that you will find useful the articles in this issue. We wish you a safe, peaceful, and enjoyable holiday season and a prosperous 2021.
Boyd L. Bradbury, Ph.D.
From the Editor-In-Chief
Editor's Note: Volume 1, Issue 2
Boyd L. Bradbury
Teaching Under Crisis: Impact and Implications of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Education in Minnesota
Boyd L. Bradbury, Ximena P. Suarez-Sousa, Mike Coquyt, Tiffany L. Bockelmann, and Amy L. Pahl
Predictive Measures of Teacher Effectiveness During Student Teaching
Kristen M. Carlson
The Experiences and Perceptions of Practicing Special Education Teachers During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Marci M. Glessner and Shirley A. Johnson
Bridging the High School Transition: Assessing the Impact of a Freshman Academy on Student Success
Victoria A. Honetschlager
Assessing Healthcare Leader Competency Proficiency Levels in Evaluating Graduate Healthcare Leadership Student Competency Proficiency Levels and Curriculum
Brandi A. Sillerud and Heather C. Winkler
White Paper

- Boyd Bradbury, Ph.D.
- Editor-in-Chief
- Ximena Suarez-Sousa, Ph.D.
- Managing Editor
Cover Art
- "Panoramas"
- By Rachel E. Herzog
- MSUM Art Education student
- Visit MSUM School of Art