College of Science, Health & the Environment | Student Academic Conference 2023

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Effects of Physical Exercise on Cognitive Performance

Arina Bratamidjaja

Comstock Memorial Union, MSUM

Investigating Differences in IgA Antibody Response against Aspergillus fumigatus in wild type and TLR7 protein deficient mice

Courtney Folk, Minnesota State University Moorhead

Comstock Memorial Union, MSUM

Music and Mood Regulation: The effect of upbeat music on moods

Abiola Adebayo

Comstock Memorial Union, MSUM

“Sharenting” and Child Privacy: A Content Analysis of Parent Bloggers’ Instagram Posts

Abiola Adebayo

Comstock Memorial Union, MSUM

Tuesday, April 18th
12:00 AM

Do Perceptions of Guilt Vary as a Function of Defendant Race and Crime Type? A Mock Crime Experiment

Elizabeth Murken, Minnesota State University Moorhead
Rochelle Bergstrom, Minnesota State University Moorhead

Comstock Memorial Union, MSUM

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

Paul Feder Observatory Upgrades and Exoplanet and Variable Star Data

Mara DeRung, Minnesota State University Moorhead
Tanner Weyer, Minnesota State University Moorhead
Emily Watson, Minnesota State University Moorhead

Comstock Memorial Union, MSUM

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

Study of Protein Extraction Techniques for M. foliorum phages

Lola Sibaud, Minnesota State University Moorhead
Anna Elgersma, Minnesota State University Moorhead

Comstock Memorial Union, MSUM

12:00 AM