Date of Award

Spring 5-10-2024

Document Type

Project (696 or 796 registration)

Degree Name

Master of Science in Special Education


Graduate Studies

Committee Chair

Shirley Johnson


technology, special education, AI, Artificial Intelligence, MagicSchool, Apple Classroom


In our fast-evolving world technology is very quickly becoming an essential part of daily life. Teachers being able to utilize technology in the classroom is going to benefit all students, especially those with disabilities. Through research, case studies, and experiments we have learned how important technology is in the classroom and how much it enriches lessons, improves student engagement, and increases testing scores. Then on top of the “usual” technology in the classroom, our educators are now battling with AI resources that are being improperly utilized. Instead of training teachers how to use AI sites, it seems the school system is taking another approach, by trying to stop students from using it. With proper training for teachers, they can teach their students how to utilize AI appropriately and enhance not only the students’ education but increase productivity with teachers as well.



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