The Effect of Parent Involvement and Student Reading Abilities

Date of Award

Winter 12-20-2018

Document Type

Project (696 or 796 registration)

Degree Name

Master of Science in Curriculum & Instruction


Graduate Studies

Committee Chair

Michael Coquyt


The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship of emergent readers and parent involvement. The study aimed to find the benefits that parent involvement and reading at home have on emergent readers, specifically kindergartners. The study looked at emergent readers reading patterns that occur at home, such as the amount of time and the way in which a child is reading and the effects that they have on reading growth. Families completed a questionnaire before the study that spoke to their child’s reading patterns at home. The study was structured around students BAS assessments and daily progress monitoring in class after literacy groups. Student completed nightly reading logs that tracked the length of time read and the way in which the story was read at home. The study found that reading between 10-15 minutes a night made a difference for both the growth of an emergent reader and the speed at which an emergent reader increases text levels. The way in which a child reads at home, whether independently, being read to, or reading to someone does not have a large effect on the growth of an emergent reader. Although, when students are exposed to independent reading as one form of reading at home, students are more likely to increase reading levels during a shorter period of time. In conclusion, parent involvement has a positive effect on the growth of emergent readers and the speed at which they grow as learners.

Abstract only: No full text available.
