
Comstock Memorial Union, MSUM

Document Type


Event Website


Start Date

23-4-2024 12:00 AM

Publication Date

April 2024


Past studies have indicated the connection between attachment style and sexist attitudes, but not many have covered how attachment style to one's caregiver could impact the perception of sexism. The current study explored the influence of childhood attachment style on the formation of sexist attitudes among college students. 92 Minnesota State University Moorhead undergraduate students from psychology classes participated in this study. The Adult Scale of Parent Attachment - Short Form (ASPA-SF) and the Relationship Structures Questionnaire (ECR-RS) were used to determine participants' attachment styles towards their caregivers growing up. Participants also completed the Ambivalent Sexism Inventory to predict their hostile and benevolent sexism beliefs. Results showed people who have an anxious attachment style for their caregiver during childhood are likely to hold both benevolent and hostile sexist attitudes. Furthermore, avoidant attachment style predicts endorsement of benevolent, but not hostile, sexism.

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Psychology Commons


Apr 23rd, 12:00 AM

Anxious, Avoidant, and Biased?: Does attachment to a mother figure predict ambivalent sexism?

Comstock Memorial Union, MSUM

Past studies have indicated the connection between attachment style and sexist attitudes, but not many have covered how attachment style to one's caregiver could impact the perception of sexism. The current study explored the influence of childhood attachment style on the formation of sexist attitudes among college students. 92 Minnesota State University Moorhead undergraduate students from psychology classes participated in this study. The Adult Scale of Parent Attachment - Short Form (ASPA-SF) and the Relationship Structures Questionnaire (ECR-RS) were used to determine participants' attachment styles towards their caregivers growing up. Participants also completed the Ambivalent Sexism Inventory to predict their hostile and benevolent sexism beliefs. Results showed people who have an anxious attachment style for their caregiver during childhood are likely to hold both benevolent and hostile sexist attitudes. Furthermore, avoidant attachment style predicts endorsement of benevolent, but not hostile, sexism.
