
Comstock Memorial Union, MSUM

Document Type


Event Website


Start Date

23-4-2024 12:00 AM

Publication Date



This poster is going to discuss the importance of play and dive deeply into sensory play. Sensory play is a crucial aspect of childhood development. Sensory play allows children to explore and engage with the environment through their senses. Sensory play helps children build cognitive skills, fine and gross motor skills, language skills, social and emotional skills, and problem-solving skills. Sensory play also supports special education and students with sensory processing disorders by providing therapeutic benefits. Overall, sensory play is an essential component of a child's development and should be an essential tool that is prioritized in classrooms.

Included in

Education Commons


Apr 23rd, 12:00 AM

Exploring the Importance of Sensory Play in Classrooms

Comstock Memorial Union, MSUM

This poster is going to discuss the importance of play and dive deeply into sensory play. Sensory play is a crucial aspect of childhood development. Sensory play allows children to explore and engage with the environment through their senses. Sensory play helps children build cognitive skills, fine and gross motor skills, language skills, social and emotional skills, and problem-solving skills. Sensory play also supports special education and students with sensory processing disorders by providing therapeutic benefits. Overall, sensory play is an essential component of a child's development and should be an essential tool that is prioritized in classrooms.
