
Comstock Memorial Union, MSUM

Document Type


Event Website


Start Date

23-4-2024 12:00 AM

Publication Date

April 2024


The dependency on substances can take a toll on an individual's life. Different factors may have led to their use of substances, which can turn into the abuse of substances. This study takes a deep dive into the events that happened in the past that led to dependency. I collected the data from Reddit.com under the r/addiction community, where individuals were vulnerable about their pain in life. The individuals shared stories that explained how they got to the point of substance abuse. Five emerging themes occurred through the evaluation of reddit.com and how individuals explain what led to substance abuse. The five emerging themes were 1. abuse, 2. mental health, 3. self-medication, 4. seeking acceptance, and 5. recreational/just because. Sexual and physical abuse that stemmed from childhood played an influence on self-medication through substances. The neglect from their parents while growing up into young adults led to a disconnect in society.

Included in

Sociology Commons


Apr 23rd, 12:00 AM

“We’ll Never Be Those Kids Again” A Thematic Analysis of Reddit.com

Comstock Memorial Union, MSUM

The dependency on substances can take a toll on an individual's life. Different factors may have led to their use of substances, which can turn into the abuse of substances. This study takes a deep dive into the events that happened in the past that led to dependency. I collected the data from Reddit.com under the r/addiction community, where individuals were vulnerable about their pain in life. The individuals shared stories that explained how they got to the point of substance abuse. Five emerging themes occurred through the evaluation of reddit.com and how individuals explain what led to substance abuse. The five emerging themes were 1. abuse, 2. mental health, 3. self-medication, 4. seeking acceptance, and 5. recreational/just because. Sexual and physical abuse that stemmed from childhood played an influence on self-medication through substances. The neglect from their parents while growing up into young adults led to a disconnect in society.
