Date of Award

Spring 5-10-2024

Document Type

Project Abstract (696 or 796 registration)

Degree Name

Master of Science in Counseling


Graduate Studies

Committee Chair

Taryn Akgul


counselor, journey, perspective


Not letting the world get me down, this is my story of challenges and triumphs that have helped to shape me into the person I am today. My name is Georgia Wachtler and I am a second year in the Minnesota State University Moorhead counseling program seeking a Clinical Mental Health Counseling degree with plans to graduate May 2024. This paper begins by addressing some of my background including the topics of relationships that have impacted my life thus far, my academic journey, my mental health challenges, how I care for my physical health, and my cultural identity. Moving on to how I handle stress in both positive and negative ways. After, I identify my own strengths and forms of resilience. Then I go over the current and past activities I have participated in. The next section is about different assessments I have taken that capture who I am and speak to counseling being an appropriate career for me. Continually, an assessment of the data received from five interviewees about how they feel about this career path. Then I use what I have learned throughout this process to conceptualize where I am through the lens of Maslow and Carl Rogers. After this is where things wrap up with a section on the impact of the writing process and ending with my plans for future development as a counselor. Each section of this paper brings to light a distinct perspective of who I am and life events and situations that have led me to become the person I am today.

Keywords: counselor, journey, perspective



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