Date of Award

Fall 12-20-2018

Document Type

Project (696 or 796 registration)

Degree Name

Master of Science in Counseling


Graduate Studies

Committee Chair

Taryn Akgul


Adult Learner



This proposal is to implement an Adult Learner Entry Achievement Program (ALEAP) within higher education institutions. The purpose of the ALEAP program is to support and serve the needs of adult learners who want to return to or begin college to earn their degree or certificate and pursue their personal or career goals. In turn, their achievements will also increase the higher education attainment rates in the State of Minnesota. This program could exist as a stand-alone program or be housed within support systems, such as, Continuing Education or an Academic Support Center.

Current research indicates that there is a large number of adult learners in the United States who have little or no education above a high school diploma. The State of Minnesota’s higher education attainment rate is currently at 54 percent with a goal to increase the attainment rate to 70 percent by 2025. In order to achieve this goal, programs and processes to support and serve adult learners need to be established. Each college and university has to do more to encourage this demographic to complete their degree. In providing this service, they become instrumental in increasing the attainment rates for higher education, positively impact their communities with an educated workforce and society, encourage life-long learning and transform the lives of an overlooked demographic that is currently under-served by higher education. Please note that this program could evolve and be shaped to meet the specific needs of any university within higher education.



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