Resource Guide for the Use of Generative AI In Education

Date of Award

Spring 5-10-2024

Document Type

Project (696 or 796 registration)

Degree Name

Master of Science in School Psychology


Graduate Studies

Committee Chair

Joshua Johnson


Artificial Intelligence, Education, Ethics, Self-Care


Generative AI technology is a new technology that has many potential benefits for people but requires knowledge of how it works and how to use it appropriately in order to best utilize it. This project involved researching and creating an easy-to-use and understand resource guide designed to teach educators the fundamental knowledge needed to understand and use generative AI technology. This guide includes links to videos explaining how the technology works and a glossary of terms specific to the field. The guide then links users to eight potentially useful AI tools and toolboxes that users may find useful and describes what each one does. Next, the guide offers further reading for people who are interested in learning about the technology beyond the basics. This includes recommendations on creating a class policy regarding generative AI, a list of free online courses on generative AI use, and a link to a daily email list that covers new developments in the field each day. Finally, the guide contains a feedback form that will allow the author to obtain feedback on how to improve the resource guide.

Abstract only: No full text available.
