"A Comparison of Two Approaches To Promote Multiplication Fact Fluency " by Jordyn Berger

Date of Award

Spring 5-12-2023

Document Type

Project (696 or 796 registration)

Degree Name

Master of Science in Educational Leadership


Graduate Studies

Committee Chair

Kathy Enger


Multiplication, Fluency, Fact fluency


Fifth grade students are expected to be fluent in basic multiplication facts by the start of fifth grade, however many are not (Minnesota Department of Education, 2007). When fifth grade students are not fluent in basic multiplication facts, they struggle to understand and master grade level skills and standards (Allen-Lyall, 2018; Burns et al., 2012; Ok & Bryant, 2016; The Math Learning Center, 2017; Wong & Evans, 2007). This quantitative research study compared two classwide approaches to promote multiplication fact fluency in fifth grade. Throughout the research phase, one fifth grade math class practiced multiplication facts for ten minutes each day using computer-based multiplication fact practice and a second fifth grade math class practiced multiplication facts for ten minutes each day using game-based multiplication fact practice. A multiplication probe was given as a pretest before the research phase to determine the average digits correct for each fifth grade math class. Following the research phase, the same multiplication probe used as a pretest was administered for a second time as a posttest to determine the average digits correct for each fifth grade math class. The average increase in the digits correct from the pretest to the posttest for both classes was analyzed to determine which multiplication practice method is most effective in promoting multiplication fact fluency in fifth grade.



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