Date of Award

Spring 5-12-2023

Document Type

Project (696 or 796 registration)

Degree Name

Master of Science in Counseling


Graduate Studies

Committee Chair

Jessica Brown


Infertility, Infertility Counseling, Counseling Group Manual


This group manual was created for female identifying adults ages 18 years and older who are undergoing infertility treatment. Infertility is oftentimes accompanied by a complexity of psychological difficulties that present chronic and long term stressors for many individuals and couples (Covington & Burns, 2006; Galst, 2018; Karaca et al., 2019; Rooney & Domar, 2018). Research supports that infertility counseling is effective in treating the wide array of mental health concerns that are associated with the infertility experience (Covington & Burns, 2006; Peterson et al., 2012). This manual examines the impact that infertility can have on mental health as well as evidence based treatment interventions that have shown to be effective. The present literature demonstrates the benefits and efficacy of utilizing cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and mind-body therapy as psychotherapeutic interventions for treating the mental health aspects of infertility in a group counseling setting. For this reason, the development of this group was deemed appropriate in order to provide individuals the opportunities to meet others who are in similar situations, build connections, and embrace hope for their own infertility journeys.

Included in

Counseling Commons



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