Using Metacognition in the Online Classroom

Date of Award

Winter 12-20-2018

Document Type

Project (696 or 796 registration)

Degree Name

Master of Science in Curriculum & Instruction


Graduate Studies

Committee Chair

Troy Haugen


metacognition, social studies, online, high school, reflection


With renewed efforts for students to achieve stronger academic gains, educators have been seeking methods to enhance critical thinking skills and student performance in the classroom. The pioneering works in metacognition of John Flavell have provided teachers with insight and strategies to prompt learners to delve deeper into their own learning and to question not only what they learn but how they learn.

Metacognition, the ability to precisely think about the process of learning, has gained traction as an educational tool to engage students in the classroom by making learning student-centered and measurable. In using these practices and modeling practical strategies that students can review their performance on classroom activities, monitor their learning behaviors and elicit stronger academic gains than students who do not use metacognition in their daily learning habits. The purpose of this quantitative, sample selection action research project will be to determine the efficacy of conscious metacognition strategies upon exam scores in a high school history course.

Abstract only: No full text available.
