
Comstock Memorial Union, MSUM

Document Type


Event Website


Start Date

23-4-2024 12:00 AM

Publication Date

April 2024


In pretend or dramatic play, children make conscious decisions about what will work for the roles they enact. They have power over the play and make decisions that depend on their imagination and resources. Dramatic play occurs in all classroom areas; however, it is also common to have a dramatic play center in the classroom. The dramatic play center is important because it contributes to various areas of growth and development for young children. These areas of development include gross and fine motor, language and literacy, cognitive, social, and emotional. Teachers have a role in facilitating these areas of growth and development in how they design the dramatic play center and interact with students.

Included in

Education Commons


Apr 23rd, 12:00 AM

Dramatic Play: It's Not Just a Kitchen

Comstock Memorial Union, MSUM

In pretend or dramatic play, children make conscious decisions about what will work for the roles they enact. They have power over the play and make decisions that depend on their imagination and resources. Dramatic play occurs in all classroom areas; however, it is also common to have a dramatic play center in the classroom. The dramatic play center is important because it contributes to various areas of growth and development for young children. These areas of development include gross and fine motor, language and literacy, cognitive, social, and emotional. Teachers have a role in facilitating these areas of growth and development in how they design the dramatic play center and interact with students.
