Oral Interview of Maude Irwin Boettger
Maude Irwin Boettger
Maude Boettger discusses the effects of the Great Depression on farming communities and her own life, and contrasts the Depression years to modern times
Oral Interview of Camillo Bologna
Camillo V. Bologna
Dr. Bologna briefly discusses his career as a pathologist in Moorhead.
Oral Interview of Werner Brand
Werner Brand
Dr. Brand, a long time professor and administrator at Moorhead State University, discusses the Kiwanis service organization, and the history, development and leadership of the original Moorhead Kiwanis Club.
Oral Interview of Gertrude Allman Branigan
Gertrude Allman Branigan
Gertrude Branigan discusses city life in Minneapolis during the Great Depression. She talks about welfare programs, the Works Progress Administration, medical facilities, recreation, and personal family life.
Oral Interview of Darrell A. Burkland
Darrell A. Burkland
Darrell Burkland describes the historic changes and developments of social work: the hiring practices, educational requirements and programs, change of attitude by the community towards mental illness and alcoholism, and the growing importance of legislation regarding social work.
Oral Interview of Jean Callahan
Jean Callahan
Both Mrs. Callahan and Mrs. Murphy served as presidents of the Fargo-Moorhead Junior League. They discuss the League's projects, programs. and fund raising events.
Oral Interview of Kay Cann
Kay Cann
Mrs. Cann, a local artist and writer, discusses her involvement with the fine arts in Minnesota and North Dakota and her column on the arts in the Fargo Forum and Midweek Eagle.
Oral Interview of Donald Carlton
Donald L. Carlton
Dr. Carlton was a radiologist at the St. Ansgar Hospital in Moorhead from 196_-1980. In his interview, he discusses his background and career in medicine.
Oral Interview of Boyd Christenson
Boyd Christenson
Mr. Christenson discusses his 38 years in the broadcasting business in the Fargo Moorhead area.
Oral Interview of Paul Christiansen
Paul J. Christiansen
Mr. Christiansen was a member of the music faculty and director of the choir at Concordia College. He discusses the music program there, the choir which he directed for many years, and his own compositions.
Oral Interview of Elizabeth Clark
Elizabeth Clark
Ms. Clark discusses her experience as a nurse, and as a teacher of nursing at North Dakota State University.
Oral Interview of Loren Clark
Loren Clark
Loren Clark discusses the German prisoner-of-war camps near Ortonville, Minnesota, and the type of work performed by POWs, their characters and personalities, the town’s reactions to the prisoners, and medical services to the POWs.
Oral Interview of Lyle Clark
Lyle E. Clark
Mr. Clark discusses the history of the Moorhead Lions Club. He describes the beginnings of the club in 1945, past members, fund raising activities, service projects, and hospitality.
Oral Interview of Dorothy Collins
Dorothy Collins
Dorothy Collins discusses her many years of experiences in writing for the Fargo Forum, and his horticultural columns.
Oral Interview of Lloyd Collins
Lloyd Collins
Mr. Collins discusses his music career in Fargo-Moorhead, including his involvement with the Nels Vogel Company, Elk's Purple Band, and the Fargo Theater.
Oral Interview of James Condell
James Condell
Mr. Condell, a psychology professor at Moorhead State University, discusses his involvement with music.
Oral Interview of Yvonne Condell
Yvonne Condell
Dr. Condell has been a member of the Moorhead branch of the American Association of the University Women for 20 years. She describes the Association's history mission, and scholarship programs.
Oral Interview of Alice Corneilussen
Alice Corneilussen
Miss Corneilussen discusses her early days in Moorhead and what it is was like in 1920s for women in higher education.
Oral Interview of Alice Corneilussen
Alice Corneilussen
Alice Corneliussen discusses her experiences at Moorhead State, both as a student in the early 1920s, and later as a faculty member from 1931-1967. Topics covered include student attitudes, changes to campus and curricula over the years, effects of the Depression and the Second World War on the College, recollections of the faculty, and discussion of rural school education methods and practices.
Oral Interview of Delia Cornell
Delia J. Cornell
Mrs. Cornell, born in 1888, discusses her experiences as a homemaker and teacher.
This collection consists of oral interviews of prominent people from northwest Minnesota. Some of these interviews are a part of the Heritage Education Commission's Regional Oral History Project.
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