Diversity in Children's Books

Hala Qarini



This project aimed to determine whether Leveled Literacy Intervention (LLI) curriculum represents diversity in the books in a way that reflects the diversity of students in Fargo Public Schools (FPS). I used the green system in LLI curriculum level B-level I, which represents first grade. For this study, I analyzed eighty books total (lesson 21-lesson 100) based on the Fargo Public Schools definition of diversity. This method was a good match for my research question because it included gender/age, race/ethnicity, socioeconomic, religion, disability, and culture which Fargo Public School includes in its description.

After reviewing and completing a content analysis of each book regarding the diverse elements that match the FPS description of diversity to represent socio-economic backgrounds, cultures, races/ ethnicities, religions, and sexual orientations, a common tendency was found: most of the books showed a lack of diversity. The list below shows which characteristics/elements were presented in a diverse way and which do not.

  • Race/Ethnicity was represented in a diverse way
  • Socio-economic status was not represented in a diverse way
  • Culture was not represented in a diverse way
  • Religion was not represented in a diverse way
  • Sexual orientation was not represented in a diverse way
  • Disability was not represented in a diverse way