Implementation of Instruction and Continued Practice of Tier Two Vocabulary Words in Upper Elementary Classrooms

Date of Award

Spring 5-14-2021

Document Type

Project (696 or 796 registration)

Degree Name

Master of Science in Curriculum & Instruction


Graduate Studies

Committee Chair

Aaron Peterson


vocabulary instruction, tier two vocabulary, teacher collaboration


The purpose of this action research was to learn about how upper elementary teachers are introducing tier two vocabulary words and how they are providing meaningful opportunities for students to interact with the words. Depth of vocabulary knowledge is widely regarded as an important component to reading comprehension, however its direction instruction can be neglected as teachers struggle to present all required instruction to their students. Through open ended interview questions, teachers shared their current vocabulary routines and their satisfaction with vocabulary instruction. The interviews showed that most upper elementary teachers who participated had a system in place for introducing vocabulary words. Many teachers did not have a specific system in place for students to continue to work with vocabulary words again. The results suggest that upper elementary teachers value vocabulary, but need assistance incorporating in depth practice into their classrooms. Based on these results, it would be advised that teachers collaborate in grade level teams and across grade levels to share what is successful in their classrooms.

Abstract only: No full text available.
