Token Economy as an Intervention for a First Grade Student Struggling With Aggression and Following Directions

Date of Award

Winter 12-18-2020

Document Type

Project (696 or 796 registration)

Degree Name

Master of Science in School Psychology


Graduate Studies

Committee Chair

Margaret Potter


token economy


This school-based project explored an intervention for students who struggle with behaviors in school. Behavior problems in schools can cause a student to struggle in academics and social skills, along with problems in their later school years. A form of token economy was implemented with a first grade student struggling with aggressive behaviors and following directions. The student carried around a binder that had 10 token spots on the front and he got a reward break when he filled them all in. He could choose between several different activities to do on his breaks. He could also ask for calm down breaks during the day and had different options for these breaks. The results of this study showed that the token economy did not change this student’s negative behaviors, although there were several limitations to how the intervention was implemented.

Abstract only: No full text available.
