Check-In/Check-Out: Improving Behavior of a Second Grade Student

Date of Award

Winter 12-19-2019

Document Type

Project (696 or 796 registration)

Degree Name

Master of Science in School Psychology


Graduate Studies

Committee Chair

Mary Dosch


This project explored the effect of a Check-In/Check-Out (CICO) intervention on a second-grader’s three main problem behaviors. These behaviors included refusing to work or respond to requests made by her teacher, getting out of her seat without permission, and using baby talk (e.g., intentional immature pronunciation of words). The student met with her teacher or the graduate co-investigator several times throughout the day. During these meetings, they went over her behavior chart that showed teacher signatures, indicating whether she had displayed appropriate behavior. Depending on the number of signatures she received, she was able to play a game or do an activity with the teacher or graduate co-investigator. Results showed the CICO intervention was successful in increasing appropriate behavior of this student. This reinforced past research that has shown CICO as an effective intervention for individuals whose behavior is maintained by adult attention (Campbell & Anderson, 2008; Maggin, Zurheide, Pickett, & Baillie, 2015; Wolfe, Pyle, Charlton, Sabey, Lund, & Ross, 2016). Future research would benefit from investigating whether the effects of this intervention are maintained over time and how that affects students’ later educational success.

Abstract only: No full text available.
