The Bulletin (Newsletter/Journal)
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Summer school number, 1945
Publication Date
Moorhead State Teachers College
Recommended Citation
Moorhead State Teachers College, "The Bulletin, series 41, number 1, May (1945)" (1945). The Bulletin (Newsletter/Journal). 77.
Education is now experiencing its worst set-back in years. Not since the last war have the qualifications of teachers been so low. Already Minnesota has lost 12,000 teachers to the armed services, industry, and business. They are leaving at the rate of 5,000 a year, And they are not being replaced in either quality or quantity to make good the loss. Statistics show enrollments in teacher-preparing institutions to be only about two-thirds normal. Even if the war should end immediately and men and women be released from their present occupations in excessive numbers, the damage to education could not be repaired in another five years. It will not be repaired fully in another decade.
Like a patient, education needs intelligent care both in approaching the crisis and in recovering after the crisis. While the crisis will not be reached for at least a year after the end of the European war, every consideration must now be given both the present needs and the needs of the future. Within the limits of its resources, the Moorhead State Teachers College has aided schools to the fullest extent possible by preparing teachers. It has conducted a program of pre-service education for as many high school graduates as could be persuaded to enroll. It has provided in-service education for as many teachers as could be induced to participate in extension courses during the regular year and in on-campus and off-campus courses during the summer.
The College is now distributing announcements of its plans for the summer of 1945 to all teachers who should improve their qualifications for teaching and to all high-school graduates who should become candidates for the teaching profession. The announcements are distributed for two reasons. The schools need the services of every possible intelligent recruit. Every person looking forward to future service and security must consider the opportunities of the teaching profession. There is no reason to expect that the period following the present crisis will be an exception. People in the profession will, if wise, entrench themselves now by furthering their education for future security. Young people who are intelligent will begin to get ready now tor the opportunities of the future.