The Bulletin (Newsletter/Journal)
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The state of the college
Publication Date
Moorhead State Teachers College
Recommended Citation
Moorhead State Teachers College, "The Bulletin, series 40, number 2, July (1944)" (1944). The Bulletin (Newsletter/Journal). 73.
This bulletin is another yearly effort to present to the alumni and friends of the College a report on the specific facts and general information concerning the present status of the Moorhead State Teachers College. The most significant happening of the year has been the discontinuation of the Army Air Forces program. An evaluation of the program is presented by the Commanding Officer, Major A . J. Bazata, of the 346th College Training Detachment. An account of the presentation of the service award at Commencement is an event which deserves recognition in permanent form. The College has never abandoned or lesened its interest in the civilian program for the education of teachers. An account in the modification of the activities designed to facilitate the program of teacher education is also a matter of interest to the friends of the College. These include modifications in the curricular and the extracurricular activities of the program and in the physical plant. Of equal interest is an account of the changes in the faculty and of the activities of the faculty during the year.