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Barry Allar, John Arndt, Philip Bratnober, Katie Collins, Catherine Connall, Brenda Cummngs, Dannul Dailey, Dave Demke, Carol Dreher, Debbie Greenspan, Bonnie Flesland, Kelly R. Gallagher, Manfred Haeusler, Deanna Hanson, Jeannette Harren, Kathleen Heintzman, Michael Heintzman, John D. Justad, Jr., Victoria Kesler, Timothy Kleinpaste, Delrae Knutson, Tracy Koester, Daniel LaRocque, Linda M. Larson, Katherine Marie Lauer, Barry Lentz, Dan Leonard, Jan Maxwell, Kathleen McCall, Kim Moerer, Timothy Ostby, Jack Kenneth Pence, Pete Pomonis, Sandy Pursley, Al Reller, Holly Riedman, Jean Rohn, Jaclyn Ross, Kristin Rudrud, Juleen Ruhland, Barbara E. Scott, Rod C. Septka, Dan Sershen, Genevieve Sheldon, Jeffrey D. Thorson, Beth Watkins, Alice Weimer, Frederick Winship, Ron Zastrow
Publication Date
Moorhead State College
Recommended Citation
Moorhead State College, "Straw Hat Players programs, 1978 season (1978)" (1978). Programs. 14.
1978 season:
The matchmaker by Thornton Wilder
Equus by Peter Shaffer
Absurd person singular by Alan Ayckbourn
Night must fall by Emlyn Williams
The prime of Miss Jean Brodie by Jay Presson Allen
The shadow box by Michael Cristofer
Lock up your daughters by Bernard Miles, Lionel Bart, and Laurie Johnson
The fantasticks by Tom Jones and Harvey Schmidt