Mike Persellin
Otto Zeck relates the history of Becker County and information about the White Earth Indian Reservation.
Otto Zeck was the Curator of the Becker County Historical Museum. Born in 1910 in Erie Township, Minnesota, he began doing archaeological work in 1923.
Date of Interview
Length (Time)
Original Format
Audio tape
Current Format
Named Persons
Walter Berg, George Washington, Mary E. Lewis, J.B. Bottineau, Arthur Foster, George Fairbanks, Bateman, George Johnston, Philip Beaupre, Whitson C. Darling, John Frederick Disse, Alfred Henry Meilie, Elizabeth Meili, Chief Hole-in-the-Day, Guy Teague, Donald McDonald, Jim Brown, Rock Patricon, Chris Weiks, Leonard Case Weeks, Marion Darling, Trimlett, Hotter, William Darling, Jessie W. West, John K. West, E.G. Holmes, Spencer, Bimler, Baptiste Graff
Trappers, Beekeepers, Museum curators, Taxidermists, Camp counselors, Recreation—Employees, Mechanics, Sound engineers
The Minnesota Archaeologist, University of Minnesota, Becker County Museum, United States. Works Progress Administration, Becker County Historical Society, Pioneer Settlers Union, Hotel Lewis, Hudson's Bay Company, Blanding’s Department Store, Teague's Drug Store, S. N. Horneck & Co., Fargo-Detroit Ice Company, Soo Line Railroad Company, Boy Scouts of America, Albert Sound Service
Minnesota—Detroit Lakes, Minnesota—Becker County, Minnesota—Detroit Mountain, Minnesota—Erie (Township), New York (State)—New York, Germany, Minnesota—Callaway, Minnesota—Baldy Hill, Minnesota—Toad Hill, Minnesota—Frazee, Minnesota—Height of Land Lake (Becker County, Minn.), United States—Yellowstone National Park, Colorado, Mexico, Michigan, Wisconsin—Lake Michigan Coast, Minnesota—Minneapolis, Massachusetts—Boston, Minnesota—Pembina, Minnesota—Ox Cart Trail, Minnesota—Floyd Lake (Becker County, Minn.), Minnesota—Oak Lake (Becker County, Minn.), Manitoba—Winnipeg, North America—Red River Valley (Minnesota and North Dakota and Manitoba), United States—Red River of the North, Minnesota—Georgetown, Minnesota—Saint Paul, North America—Red River Settlement, Manitoba—Fort Garry, Minnesota—Crow Wing, Mississippi River, Minnesota—Ottertail, Minnesota—Sucker Creek, Canada, Hudson Bay, New York (State)—Erie County, New York (State)—Buffalo, Switzerland, New York (State), Minnesota—White Earth Indian Reservation, Minnesota—Stearns County, Minnesota—Otter Tail River, Minnesota—Oak Lake, Minnesota—Duluth, North Dakota—Valley City, Minnesota—Audubon, Minnesota—Holmesville Township, Minnesota—Height of Land Township, Minnesota—Shoreham, Minnesota—Pelican Lake (Otter Tail County), Minnesota—Fergus Falls, Massachusetts, Russia, China
Agriculture, History—Societies, etc., Indians of North America
ID Number
S246 248
Restrictions on Use
Permission to publish, quote, or reproduce these oral interviews must be obtained in writing from Minnesota State University Moorhead Archives.
Archaeological Anthropology | Oral History | United States History
Recommended Citation
Zeck, Otto, "Oral Interview of Otto Zeck" (1973). Oral Interviews. 51.