Laurie Backlund
Serine Bale talks about her family’s pioneer history and her experiences in rural schools. She also discusses how different events in American history were perceived at the time and affected life in rural North Dakota.
Serine Bale is a retired schoolteacher, who was born and grew up on a farm north of Hatton, North Dakota. She began teaching in Grant County, North Dakota, in 1925, and then taught in Moorhead, Minnesotan from 1955 to 1970, when she retired. She took courses at Mayville State Teacher’s College and the University of Minnesota and graduated from Moorhead State College in 1959.
Date of Interview
Length (Time)
Original Format
Audio tape
Current Format
Named Persons
Marie Bale, John Bale, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Ole M. Bale, Nels Bale, John Hogan, Louise Berge Bale, Jens Berge, Synnove (Susan) Thompson Berge, Mr. Thompson, Tobias Johnson, Nels Johnson, Tina Betsy Berge, Annie Berge, Hannah Berge, Serine Berge, Tina Berge, Annie Serine Bale, Marie Bale, John Bale, Jesse James, Porter James McCumber, Mr. Barnes, Mrs. Johnson
Teachers, School principals
State Teachers College (Mayville, N.D.), North Dakota Young Citizens League, University of Minnesota, Moorhead State College, Luther College (Decorah, Iowa), John Hogan Farm, Welo and Teie General Store, Hatton House, Sanda Implement Company, Thomas Edison School (Moorhead, Minn.)
North Dakota—Hatton, North Dakota--Goose River, North Dakota--Grant County, North Dakota—Pekin, North Dakota—Portland, Hawaii—Pearl Harbor, North Dakota—Bismarck, Washington (D.C.), North Dakota--Grand Forks, Vietnam, North Dakota--Grand Forks County, Minnesota, Minnesota—Moorhead, South Dakota, Wisconsin--Dane County, Wisconsin--Columbia County, Iowa, Iowa—Decorah, North Dakota--Goose River, North Dakota—Northwood, Norway— Træna, Minnesota—Rochester, North Dakota—Blanchard, Minnesota—Kasson, Canada, North Dakota—Beaver Creek Township, North Dakota—Fillmore, Iowa, Norway—Oslo, Minnesota—Minneapolis, North Dakota—Kempton
Rural schools, Russian Germans, World War (1914-1918), World War (1939-1945), Women--Suffrage, Great Depression, Communism, Vietnam War (1961-1975), Rhythm bands and orchestras, Frontier and pioneer life, Education
ID Number
S886 703
Restrictions on Use
Permission to publish, quote, or reproduce these oral interviews must be obtained in writing from Minnesota State University Moorhead Archives.
Education | Oral History | Social History
Recommended Citation
Bale, Serine, "Oral Interview of Serine Bale" (1975). Oral Interviews. 36.