During World War II, Lorraine Gerberding joined the Army as soon as she completed nurses' training. After basic training at Ft. Carson, Lorraine was commissioned as a 2nd Lieutenant. She served with the 139th EVAC Hospital as a registered nurse in the European Theater. In March 1945, the 139th EVAC Hospital was sent overseas for the duration of the war. After the Americans liberated the concentration camps, Lorraine's unit was detailed to a camp near Ebensee, Austria, where they cared for the prisoners until they were repatriated. Once the prisoners were all returned to their homes, the unit returned the the United States where Lorraine worked with GIs recovering from war injuries until she was discharged.
Date of Interview
Length (Time)
Current Format
Interview conducted as part of the Heritage Education Committee's Oral History Project.
Restrictions on Use
Permission to publish, quote, or reproduce these oral interviews must be obtained in writing from the Heritage Education Commission.
Oral History
Recommended Citation
Gerberding, Lorraine, "Oral Interview of Lorraine Gerberding" (2007). Oral Interviews. 271.