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Despite rapid evolution and innovation, “online learning” is no longer a universal term. There is a need to expand the existing research base to include subsets of online classrooms and include more diverse populations of learners. The overarching question for this study focused on synchronous online classroom satisfaction in a corporate setting. The researcher analyzed four years of historical learner- satisfaction data from post-class Level-1 satisfaction surveys from a Fortune 100 company. In total, 15,577 learner responses were collected, analyzed, and converged with data collected from employee focus groups related to synchronous online classroom satisfaction. The statistical analysis of learning satisfaction survey data yielded a significant difference in the scores reported by learners, with in-person classes receiving a higher overall score than synchronous online classes. The focus group results yielded a similar discovery, with participants indicating a preference for in-person classroom experiences and providing recommendations for improvement in the synchronous online classroom. Although there was a preference by a majority of the participants to attend trainings in-person, the majority also noted that they tended to feel a similar level of satisfaction for both modalities.
Publication Date
Fall 12-15-2020
synchronous online classrooms, online learning, learning satisfaction, adult learners, distance learning, corporate training, training and development, synchronous learning, satisfaction, face-to-face learning satisfaction, virtual learning, virtual classrooms
Education | Educational Leadership | Educational Technology | Instructional Media Design | Online and Distance Education
Recommended Citation
Burklund, Andrew, "Synching up on a Satisfaction: A Mixed Methods Study Exploring Synchronous Online Classroom Learning Satisfaction in the Corporate Training Environment" (2020). The Interactive Journal of Global Leadership and Learning Infographics. 1.

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Educational Leadership Commons, Educational Technology Commons, Instructional Media Design Commons, Online and Distance Education Commons
Andrew Burklund, Ed.D., currently works at a Fortune 100 world-wide financial institution where he has worked on designing, delivering, and managing synchronous online classroom experiences. He is also an adjunct faculty member for Minnesota State University’s Educational Leadership program. He is an innovative learning and development leader with experience in K–12 classroom teaching, higher education student learning services, and corporate enterprise-wide learning technology management. He received his undergraduate degree in 5–12 Communication/Language Arts Teaching from St. John’s University, Collegeville, MN, and received his master’s degree in Educational Leadership – Higher Education Administration and his Ed.D. in Educational Leadership from Minnesota State University Moorhead. His research interests include online educator pedagogical practices, synchronous online learning satisfaction for adult learners, and distance learning technology management and administration.