Rebecca Oehler, Spring 2020 BFA #2 Exhibition


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Publication Date

Spring 2020


Rebecca Oehler: Artist Statement

Often the responsibility is put on women to protect themselves. We are held accountable for our own safety, expected to carry pepper spray and tasers, hold our keys in tightly held fists, know how to avoid danger, how to escape, how to say “no.” The reality is that these defensive practices don’t work in a society which doesn’t hold men accountable for their actions.

I created this environment, an installation merging printmaking, photography, and sculpture, to address the reality of these self-protective measures, which are merely a superficial solution for the larger societal issue of toxic male behavior. Encouraging women to carry pepper spray or not to go out at night isn’t enough; we must shift the conversation to men and address the ways in which toxic behavior is learned and endorsed by society.

Images of Rebecca Oehler's art.

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