Bernard Gill was born in Rockford, Illinois and graduated from Rockford Senior High School in 1939. Bernard then attended the University of Illinois and graduated in May of 1943. He entered the service in July of 1943 and was trained as a small boat officer on LST 178 and LST 690 in the Mediterranean, Western Pacific. Some of his military training included Midshipmen training at Columbia University, NYC, NY. Bernard participated in the Invasion of Southern France and the Occupation of Japan. He separated from the service in March of 1946 with the rank of LtJg. Decorations: -Routine area pins
Date of Interview
Length (Time)
Current Format
Interview conducted as part of the Heritage Education Committee's Oral History Project.
Restrictions on Use
Permission to publish, quote, or reproduce these oral interviews must be obtained in writing from the Heritage Education Commission.
Oral History
Recommended Citation
Gill, Bernard, "Oral Interview of Bernard Gill" (2001). Oral Interviews. 272.